Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year
More money ...
No extras ...
No duty on Chinese New Year and weekends >.< ...
Clear SOC ...
Disruption for studies approved ...
Perfect the skill in making Tamago ...
Start investment ...
Repair my knee ... gone case for this one ... my knee beyond repair i think
MMM ....
Hope money drop from sky then i can get car :P nah~ i'll be trying for bike this year ^^ car ... -_- the maintainance fee is horrible ... can buy but no money to maintain also no point ... bike ftw !!! Mr Png always say bike is like body armor for metal lol ...
Mm... got to run !!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Experiment ^^
Bought the wrong ingredients . . . and i made tomato soup . . . T_T
Should have bought tomato PASTE . . . and not Puree . . . I have not learned how to use tomato puree . . . but it certainly taste tomatoish~ lol~
Most of the time i just buy of those premade sauce in jars and dump them onto the pasta ... seems like making instant noodles . . . so i decided i had enough of those jar stuff. I tried combining cream of mushroom (chicken flavour)2000++mg sodium content with milk and simmer it for 10 minutes ... WOA i get creamy mushroom sauce !!! So if you use one can of that !!! it should be for 2 person servings ... if i did not remember wrongly a human intake of sodium is about 2000++mg sodium too ... must stay healthy ^^
I also bought some chicken breast meat ... didn't have mch time to marinate so i just cook it with olive oil ... i cut them into very thin pieces ... but i left one big chunk on purpose ... i flip it over and over over medium flame and the meat came out very TENDER !!!
TO make my sauce more mushroomy ... i bought more mushroom LOL !!! actually i wanted to use shitake but i just try button mushroom ... those canned mushroom got a funny taste to it ... i've yet to find a way to get rid of it ... next time i will slice it very thin so that it blends with the pasta ^^
While simmering the sauce i dump the chicken slices in ... to get the taste ... haha it turn out very well but i think i should add some water or maybe milk to it because the sauce not enough for the pasta !!!
Basically it taste much much better than the sauce i always bought off the shelf.
^^ I haven't tried putting cheese ... but i think its not required lol ... shall perfect this ^^ then i can cook for mm... if i have a wife next time but for now ! i cook for myself ... Sis don't eat pasta but she alway goes WAA when i dish out the stuff on the table ... she doesn't know that sometimes i don't even dare to eat what i cook LOL ... she likes to make cookies though ... she made a lot yesterday for x`mas gift and i must say shes good with the cookies ... taste like those from subway ... but shes not very good with chocolate chunks ... i alwayws tell her its TOO SWEET then i give her that " being forced look " when i eat ... but you know the brother always eat whatever the sister cook ... i always finish what she make without her knowing , she probably though someone else in the family ate it haha ... afterall she put in the effort so theres no way i should deny it ^^
But i had enough of chocolate lol :P back to my pasta ... next up ! i should try beefball pasta sauce ... i'm going to make the beefball myself !!! :P Maybe next time i take the pictures lol~
Alright MERRY CHRISTMAS PEOPLE ... HAPPY NEW YEAR ^^ HOPE your wishes all come true in the coming new year and ... MANY MANY more good thing to come your way ...
My goal ! MORE anime ! ! ! and ... learn more about being myself ... so that i will be ready for mm... perhaps a relationship ... MAYBE only ~ ^^ Peace~
Saturday, December 15, 2007
>.< Merry Merry Christmas ^^
Quite worned out after few events in camp . . . I ran the company event for 2 days straight . . . because i volunteer to cover JJ's duty as he wanted to take leave ^^ ... for the two days i'm basically the boss !!! The bosses were away on course or some important matters so they pratically just tell me what has to be done and i run the show with the rest of the sergents ^^ Its quite fufilling though i hate it at some point of time when instructions were messed up midway . . . but overall its good experience !!! ...
The year is coming to an end soon ... I'm going to turn 22 ~ and finally i can say that ord is near ... think i might cry when i say goodbye to those peeps in camp as i'm going to leave earlier than them for studies ... you may think why the hell am i crying when i often grumble about NS ... its true when people say army is tough and complaints are never enough but theres this bond between men in there ... when you fell down into rivers , drains ... or get into deep troubles ... theres always someone whose wearing the same uniform as you pulling you out of that problem ... outside there who would even lend you a helping hand so easily ... no matter how tired everyone is ... chances are a buddy will come along and pull you with him ... thats our journey ... thats how i feel ...
So~ ... New Year Resolution !!! Hope i won't get any extras ... haha !!! I've still maintained the zero extra record since enlistment and i want it to remain that way !!! ...
Btw~ Ning !!! Please blog ~~~~~~~
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Its . . . madness~
Sit there from 8 am to 5.50 pm~ really . . . i doze off . . . not because i don't bother about it . . . but the notes were simply printed out and so simplified . . . yet the presenter just read from the slides again . . . in my point of view its a waste of time . . . precious time which could gain better benefits else where . . . simply wastage of time . . .
Then~ travelling back is hell~ . . . waiting for train with those working people . . . they just squeeze and squeeze . . . like i'm a hamburger -_- sometimes i just stand there and let them go in first . . . either way i don't know what they rushing for ~ . . .
Must do my NS disruption soon . . . letter came from NTU to do medical checkup . . . for a while i realise that i'm going to finish serving my NS in a moment . . . have i learn anything ? I think i did . . . a lot a lot . . . in some ways . . . and i've come to know myself better ^^
Looking at my sis bank account growing bigger and bigger . . . i can't help but tell myself . . . i better catch up with her so Mom and Dad can just start a cookie shop business and enjoy their time ^^
Still~ its nice to enjo every moment now ^^
Thursday, November 29, 2007
More pictures ^^
Sunday, November 25, 2007
>.< What Should I DOOOOO ? ? ?
where where where . . .
Blogger has a 1GB limit . . . . . . . . . .
-_- . . .
Can't upload the Pictures from Ting's Birthday~ . . .
Heres some for preview
Friday, November 23, 2007
Waaa Long Long ^^
Eh~. . . . Nothing to write . . . ?
Camp Stuff ?
Hahaha Nah~ . . . MM . . . .
Maybe if i get my camera back i will get photos tomorrow den see if i can post them up a ^^
DInner with Ah Ning ^^ ~ wootz~
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Timing to meet - 65 mins to complete the whole thing~ . . . .
I finish it with 55 minutes . . . woohoo ! ! ! first ever in my life i ran non stop and its even faster than my previous 6km run which takes me about 40 minutes -_- ..
Since i cleared the 32km Road March , River Crossing , Live Range , almost all the normal normal stuff . . . SO ! I GET MY combat skill badge ! ! ! ! wahaha ^^
Luckily i don't have to do those things again . . . because if you fail you must retake them >.<
Not easy~ especially the road march . . .
Say Say SAY ! ~ Bit of crap happen within the Commanders Corp~ Kinda messy with bad feelings towards each other . . . BUT ALL will be fine ^^ As long as clarity is maintained then we won't take things the wrong way right Zheng Quan ? I know you reading wahahah . . .
I've learn something more about human relationship . . . i revisited some of the books i've finished reading and did some thinking . . . and finally ^^ i absorbed some of the key points that are essential for a happy relationship . . . I really enjoy studying all this ^^ though i don't know if others find it a waste of time to study all this . . .
Ok . . .heres something from me . . .
If you put more effort in building a better present relationship with your love ones don't you think it has a better chance in becoming a better future for the both of you . . .
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Whats up ! ! !
U know~ we're all growing up right~ and sometimes we worry about things . . . like not having a good job . . . am i able to support a family . . . would i get a degree . . . would i be able to live a life like now . . . I've talk to many and somehow i feel . . . is it necessary to worry so much about all this ?
Worrying about the future because you want to have a better life is good . . . it will make you want to do better . . . but sometimes humans don't just stop worrying . . . it gets deeper and deeper . . . where does it end ? People start to feel demoralise and afriad that their future is "doomed" . . . affecting their drive at the present . . .
People ! Do you know ~ i also worry about all this . . . but then i choose not to brood over all this so much . . . i can only say that i will do my very best at what i am doing . . . thats all i can do , theres nothing i can do about whats going to happen in the future . . . after all you won't know whats going to happen anyway.
Don't let it affect you . . . my "boss" say my bed going to collapse because i slack around too much . . . he said it after reprimanding us for not assisting each other . . . it was meant to cheer up everyone by using me as a joke but it does hit me . . . sort of saying i'm lazy and not doing anything . . . deep down it kind of hurt because i trained the men to the best i can and i do what i have to do first before i lie on bed and start to read . . . feeling shitty because i took it the wrong way, i decided to go around spreading this to my men lol ! I made a joke out of it and everyone come make more funny shit remarks ~ there ^^ you got another livelier day . . . everyone laughs at it and its another pleasant day . . .
Sometimes when i look at my family members . . . i feel that i'm not as hardworking as them . . . it feels like a let down . . . so i keep telling myself i must do what i can to keep things positive and don't sink into those bad thoughts which can cripple even the most capable person on earth . . .
Everyone is capable of something . . . you may not be good with this but you can be good in another areas . . . don't be sad about it . . . focus on your good points and eventually you will shine ^^ . No one is lousy . . . no one . . .
I have men who can't perform better than others but i make sure he can be at his best when hes executing that task . . . then i would give him that big grin and say " SEE ! ! ! YOU CAN DO IT RIGHT , IF YOU CANNOT THEN I MAKE YOU DO 10 MORE TIMES " They will go " Sgt Sgt . . . i comfirm can ! " I once competed with all of them digging holes in the field . . . because of my mm . . LoanShark built , i'm definately a better digger than them . . . BUT i tell them they can do it if they put their mind to it . . . though they don't achieve the same result as me . . . they achieve the best they could ^^ i still applaud them for taking up my challange . . . for i know its not right to void their effort just because of their end result . . .
Enough said . . . i must go do some other things ^^ btw i made creamy mushroom pasta with HAM . . . wahahahaha ! ! ! ! Excellent la~ ^^Next time i try making lasagne WOOT !
Friday, October 26, 2007
WOOO . . . i'm bad a wrapping gifts . . .
SO~ Mum . . . was pretty surprise to see me home so early lol . . . so we talk for a while . . . seems qutie happy when i joke around with her . . .guess she kinda miss my pressence :P
Want to hear my story ? ? ?
I often stick around my mother when i was young . . . she was a seamstress back then ... working hard at home, while i was at tution. When i return from school there is always a meal prepared at home . . . her cooking was very good . . . i would finish what ever she cook . . . She would bring me to the wet market on somedays and i love it ^^ because i get to eat out with her and sis ^^ a small gathering for the little kids i guess . When i fall sick . . . she knew i hate medicine so sometimes she would buy me toy gun or remote cars to tempt me into taking the medication . . . Do you know . . . though my Mum isn't very educated . . . she still coach me those basic long division when i was in lower primary school . . . i would sit at the dinning table solving questions she gave me while she continue to prepare dinner . . . not long after Dad got her to help him out and i don't get to spend time with her anymore . . . wihout her around i would often cry myself to sleep because i would run to her room with my sister to sleep with her when i was young . . . Haha . . . thats my childhood . . . theres also my Grandmother , the maids who took care of me . . . if you ask me if i feel sad about not having enough childhood time with my mum . . . i would say not really . . . it may be a bit pity that i can only spend a short time with her when i was young but it can't be help right ^^ so shouldn't i start to treasure the moment now rather than feeling sorry about the past ? ? ?
I think we all should treasure the time with our parents ^^ My folks at home may not be the elites of the society in terms of status but i can tell you one thing . . . they are better than some of them in providing the best for their child . . . i'll probably break those a*sEho*l who dare to make fun of my parents . . . I'm sure you folks would give everything to protect them from harm like how they protect you ^^
Christmas coming ^^ Whats your wish going to be ? ? ?
Let me win New Year TOTO wahahah~
Don't shout at AW ! ! ! lol
Recently people whom i talk to in a long time OFTEN ask me this question " Have you got yourself a girlfriend ? " . . .
I'm pretty happy being me now . . . i do want someone to share my happiness at times but all this really takes time . Some things just can't be rush or its just not meant to be . . . i'm not reprimanding those who have asked me . . . just saying how i felt about this issue . . . I still think i'm not very mature in handling all this i guess . . . i have a lot more to learn about life and how to love someone . . . when the right person turns up and its at the right moment . . . then i'll be attached i guess ^^ If its meant to be . . . it will be . . . don't you think so ah ning~
Mm . . . lots of things to do this weekend . . . go down post office to get my liscence . . . buy this buy that . . . check ticket to hong kong . . . . Japan's trip ticket overpriced~ !@#!@#!@#!@ so not going there . . .
I'm not sure if all these will help you but i hope you give it some thought . .
Couples often have things they dislike about each other and its all about accepting it and adapting to changes . . .
There are definately some issues which are very difficult to iron it out . . . but honestly when you sit down and give it a thought . . . don't you realise that often some issues came from ourselves instead of our partner ? Its often what we seek and those they can't give that results in resentment towards the relationship . . .
I'm not sure if he has really accepted who you really are or was he trying to change you into someone you don't wish to be . . . if you feel insecure about his commitment . . . its more likely to be the past you knew and probably your own past experiences . . . i've often tell people to put down their past baggages and move forward . . . start everything a new and take this new relationship as a fresh start without any judgements . . .
Once the "honeymoon" period ends . . . it often spells trouble . . . lovey dovey feelings won't bind 2 person together forever . . . its something else . . . i'm sure those who are married for years will tell you the same thing . . . being together and starting to live together as a couple is not easy . . . your partner is just like a book . . . but this book has unlimited amount of pages . . . everday they will change . . .
Do you really think this will work out in the long run ?
Are you happy with your current situation ?
Just a night ago . . . My commanding officer ask us a question " What would a dying person give to live just another day " Weijie answer " Everything "
You know his answer made me think a bit deeper . . . a person would give up eveyrthing just to live another day . . . i feel that its because saying goodbye to someone you love is hard . . . even one more day you won't find it sufficient . . . humans neglected the fact that one day life will end . . .
You love him don't you . . . tell him again . . . its alright to feel sad . . . but don't just stop there . . . the one who can make you feel better yourself . . . do what you have to do . . . i'm sure you will be happier in time to come . . . take control and do something ^^ write a note or letter . . . sms . . . anything is fine as long as you don't just stop there . . .
There wno't be any effect if there aren't any changes ^^ right people ? :) Jia You~
I'll be around still . . . so don't worry ok ^^ I'm the safety net ~
Monday, October 15, 2007
What a nice rainy day . . .
Maybe because i get to rest a bit longer since the previous week was so hectic ^^
I finish watching "Hot Man" ^^ A MUST WATCH J DRAMA . . . Go get it ^^ A very heart warming show about family ^^ . . .
Oh~ i drove home yesterday using Cong's car . . . ahaha for the first time after so long . . . its my turn to drive him around . . . went up expressway . . . try parking in the lots outside . . . parking seems easier outside LOL . . . went up to Seng Kang . . . Yishun . . . Thomson~ but because i drove during 2 am ? I don't see much cars around . . .
It was great ^^ Rainy day~ . . .
I feel even happier when i still get to talk so long with you . . . that was a nice converstation ^^
Saturday, October 13, 2007
^^ Sand Smoke . . . Shares . . .
Oh well . . . I'm tired but best not to rest too much at home . . . must relax and enjoy the time being at home . . . no one to disturb you . . . its just so peaceful . . .
The rigger's course . . . ( more like curse ) is over ! ! ! we are qualified as SHOP FINAL ( i have absolutely no idea why we're labeled as "SHOP FINAL" what the heck does it mean ? Final Shopping ? ) . . . that is to lead a team of men to RIG vehicles . . . ammo boxes and mortars . . .
My mailbox are flooded with annual reports from companies for shareholders -_- my Mom and Dad are buying shares . . . YET they tell me :" No la we see see only " . . . They don't want to teach me . . . BUT NEVERMIND !! i got someone else to teach me ^^
Ah~ whats next . . . OH ! i lost weight man ! normally the weighing machine at my home give me a horrible digit but surprisingly i lost weight . . . GOOD ! but i did too much running till my knees couldn't take it . . . LOL next week its back to running again . . . since i've stop for a week already . . .
EH~ Ok i must go out to enjoy my peace time already . . . sleep tight folks
Saturday, October 06, 2007
SEEMS A LOT ! ! ! but 6 points are made inside circuit >.< almost bang kerb BUT PHEW~ 10 points outside mostly on blindspot . . . other than that WAHAHA ...
Damm funny ~
1st TP - 24 pts . . . shld have passed that time but becoz of stupid poles
2nd TP - 44 pts . . . i speed too fast , brake too hard , landed on marking twice . . . so i don't bother and just drive "anyhow" ~
3rd TP - 16 pts . . . WAHAHA i drive like turtle and i PASS . . .
Must move on to bike soon . . .
Initially i thought i cannot make it because i had quite a deep cut on my hand and its quite painful when i spread my palm to hold something , a small area of my skin was ripped off by the elevating gears of the mortar tube . . . ( yeah , i was trying to show my men that they can turn it very fast so . . . i was careless and "OUCH" )
Next week very busy~
I need to do live firing on 2 days . . . attend Rigger Course . . . Rigger course very tough ! We must prepare the mortar loads which will be heliborne into other areas . . . now must attend that course . . . Friday is the actual heli-lift . . . hope i don't get blown away by the down wash from the helicopter should i be chosen as the hook up man . . .
Not enough sleep lately . . . for the first time i've been too busy to sleep . . . so yesterday night when i came home i just dropped my bag , shower and ZzzzZzz all the way ~
LIFE IS good . . . and very messy in camp . . . lots of "wars" raging within and i'm very happy . . . haha howcome i'm happy when people initiate "wars" ? well because it bonds people together . . . to fight for something they believe . . .
I'll just stand by the side and see what the outcome is ^^ . . . After all bad people should be topple down ^^
Sunday, September 30, 2007
HeeHee ^^
Lots of show to watch ^^
I got "Hot Man" < A jap drama about family > , " Secret " , Tons of anime waiting ^^ and best of all ^^ i'm scouting for PS3 wooHOO ! ! ! wait till their games in the aresenl increases i wil get one and make it sit in my room ^^ :P
Bought some more books to read in camp . . .
And . . . i hope the system in camp will change . . .
10 more months to UNI ^^
Kenny has MSNed me from LONDON ^^ HEs doing great . . . lots of pretty blondie there for him . . . lucky arse . . . one day he might just bring one back . . .
Then i must really get my ass to Japan and bring one back too . . .
Saturday, September 22, 2007
>.< I lost it~
Alright its my fault for playing a fool when perhaps hes damm pissed off already with the remarks others gave him . . . i guess that was the final limit ...
But don't shake the door so hard man ! ! ! The bosses definately will come ! ! ! True enough they heard the damm commotion and sat outside waiting to see show and waiting to give me extras . . . You snapped and i snapped ... i tried reasoning but it doesn't work so ? Almost bare our fangs at each other ... i had to walk away for i know i would really knock you into hospital if i don't ... i know myself too well ... my rage buttons was all activated ... but i'm damm surprised i held back ... i know i can't work with you ... really ... i felt very restricted and underappreciated when you butt into my work sometimes ... its my job so let me handle it ! ! ! Thanks for your advice but its not your field of expertise ... i know you are trying to be helpful but thanks just stay out of my way ... if i need your aid i would ask ... ok i'm deviating away from the topic ... i want to apologise but the rest urges me don't for it would only worsen the matters because ? you know yourself too ... if reasoning would work for you things won't become like this ... you'er recieving information from the rest of the 9 of us to improve but what most of us feels is that there are no changes from you ... personally you don't have to and you're not obliged to but to work together (perhaps only me ) for the next 10 years or so there is a need to do something to make things more effective for all of us ...
I'm sorry ...
Yeah~ thats what happen last night ... I'm just so disappointed with myself haha ... went back asking people if it was right to become angry ... i've somewhat made myself believe that i don't have a right to be mad a others a long time back whatever the outcome is, they are due to my actions ... ... i can't show i'm angry anymore ... i can't ... it would destroy the peace between people ... would negotiating work ... maybe ... past experiences shows that being angry doesn't work at all and its not beneficial to anyone, sometimes negotiating doesn't work too ... best is keep quiet and let the matter rest ^^ thats a conclusion for me .
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Extremely Tired But . . . Just Hang On ^^
I had to wake up at 4am to do cook house duty . . . >.< but i shall not go into it .
After handing over the duty to Xian Shen i faster pack up and rush to airport . . . because i not enuff cash in wallet so i take train to airport from Chua Chu Kang . . . took me quite a while to get there but luckily i still made it to give Kenny's my best wishes ^^ . . .
He should be landing in London soon . . . probably when i post this up he should have touched down already . . .
Was a rather teary parting . . . I was the video camera man >.< seeing the whole sending off scene made me tear . . . yes i did cry while taking the footage . . .
He was at the departure gate . . . His Granny hugged him . . . said a few words but before she could finish tears start to roll down . . . I think Kenny's heart ache quite a lot . . . We all gave him a hug before he went in . . . i won't go into detail who feels upset the most . . . actually i shouldn't use that word "upset" . . . its just that someone you're close to is going away . . . naturally you feel a sense of loss . . . he must have given it a lot of thinking before he decided to do this . . . thats why i told him . . . hes a very brave guy . . . i'm not sure if i can do that , maybe not .
Nigel has officially become a recruit today . . . but because we had to send Kenny off we couldn't send him to Tekong . . . actually Nigel also want to send Kenny first before he report to camp but thats a bit rush so the idea was call off . . .
So suddenly 2 of my best folks went ahead with their life . . . am i going to just sit and feel loss about it ? >.< Nah~ i feel sad a bit but cannot stay this way forever ^^ while they are doing something for themselves , i too must do something for myself ...
I've been reading a book titled "Choice Theory" by William Glasser ... went around finding his other books but i can't find it ... maybe i go down to Town tomorrow take a look if i manage to wake up early ... i also found out that NTU is offering a 1 day course i think for "Choice Theory" the course fee is about 500++ this coming November . . . i'm thinking weather i should sign up a not . . . i think my intrest really lies in knowing how people think , feel , mm . . . people's emotion ... i want to fix them ... i want to help ... because i don't want to see bad endings ... of course i can't force my will on them ^^ but i always felt that its good to have someone who can listen to you as and when you need ... in the past its hard to get people to listen to my grumbles , troubles . . . no one seems to know what i'm driving at ... i had to find other channels to fix all these myself ... because of this past experience ... i tell myself i must know as much as possible to help make those around me feel better should they feel sad at times ... i'm not very good at it ... but i'll try ^^
What i'm saying here is " I can offer you advice with what i know , i can't make you feel better because there is only one person in this world who can make you feel better and that is yourself "
Good Night Folks
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Perhaps the last . . .
Perhaps its because i got too much off and booking in now makes me feel a bit depressing . . . but i know my feelings well enough . . . because its not going to be the same when i book out of camp next weekend . . . that gathering could very well be the last for many of us . . . no more Saturday coffee talks . . . no more funny games . . . no more lame jokes . . . no more seeing the smiles on each and everyone's face . . .
Like simone said when she took the photo . . . "We've grown up . . . " We have indeed . . .
What does this normally means ? We have to each move forward but not with everybody . . . maybe once in a while in the far future we would gather once again to see how each and eveyrone of us are doing . . . but between now and then the frequency would be less or close to none . . .
Its painful to lose someone you love but missing friends is no easy task either ^^ Equally heart wrenching . . . equally painful . . . perhaps even lonlier because the only solace we can find when love abandon you would be the one whom you call friend . . .
Don't forget . . . each other . . . folks . . . :)
Wenhao ^^
Thursday, September 06, 2007
A night to treasure
But for those who doesn't know ! Kenny is going to UK~ for 4 years T_T There goes a good friend to many of us and best friend to those special ones . . .
A gathering was held . . . many things to talk about . . . some shed tears quietly within their hearts for who would want to see someone so dear leave ? Though everyone's paths are different , i know many would wish he could stay. Hes a very fun person to be with . . . easy going . . . very "steady" too !
I have to type this in advance beacause i may not make it for your flight . . . T_T i try to go ^^ not to see you off forever but i hope you will make the best of everything when you are there . . . Once a while update us on how you are doing there . . . Who knows some of us may pop by London to visit you ^^
I hope you have a safe journey and come back when you are free . . . i still owe you 3 treats :P . . . Maybe by then i strike lottery already ^^ but really . . .you have to take care of yourself . . . get a blondie back ^^
WooO~~ So kenny is going away for quite a while . . . Nigel is going to army . . . with the rest of the peeps starting on their path . . . the "FRIENDS" seems to be growing apart . . . but i don't think so . . . after so long we all still stay as friends means its for eternity . . . its a bit sad . . . i do feel a bit of ache ~ but this is just the begining for everyone . . . ^^
I got gathering photos :P uploading later and some VIDEOS of us doing some err REALLY EMBARASSING STUFF . . . thinking of uploading it BUT NO . . . SIMONE DON'T YOU DARE DO IT ! ! ! Please don't >.< Got Nigel doing belly dance . . . Me DOING striptease ( WTF OMFG >.< i tell you this is the most MOST embarassed moment in my life but for friendship I DO IT )~ many many MANY more >.< BUT SORRY i cannot show you all . . . REALLY :p
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
^^ So So ?

^^ I got only these few pictures :P No choice because i'm not allowed to bring my own so i had to get these pictures from the photographer ^^
Pretty good to have a role in this Urban Operation Show ^^ Though the training we had to go through isn't so simple but well i guess everybody who participated in it feels good . . . why ? Because not everyone gets to have this chance ^^
At least the kids and families appreciate our effort and even when its raining during certain times they brave the rain to take pictures with us too ^^ Feel very honoured ^^ At least i'm making use of my life LOL . . .
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

SOME DID . .. SOME DIDN'T ! ! ! T_T Nevermind >.<>
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Come Come ^^
AUG 30th 31st , SEP 1st 2nd 3rd . . . Its located at Pasir Laba Camp . . . Get to Boon Lay Mrt and take a bus from the interchange there and you can reach . . . if you are going in groups i suggest you take cab because if you share the cab fare among the 4 people it will cost about the same as bus fare . . . I'm not very sure what you can see there ! ! ! but i know from my peers you get to have a go at our Virtual Range where msot of us are trained there before we go for live firing . . . Its going to be fun if you've never been there ^^ Freebies will be given out too ^^ I'll be one of the folks who will put up the Urban Ops show there ^^ Only shown ONCE . . . I REPEAT MYSELF . . . ITS ONLY ONCE PER DAY ! ! ! ( If i remember correctly ) SO COME ! ! ! You probably cannot see my face lol . . . i have to camo my face >.<
Got K9 dog show also ! ! ! Kenny's favourite ^^
Of course my weekend burn >.< so that people can enjoy the show BUT its worth it at the end of the day . . . ^^Enuff said :P
How are you all doing ??? I hope you all still doing well . . . Life is like a melody theres always high and low keys ^^ Everything will be fine eventually . . . speak your heart . . . kiss your girl . . . . hug your boyfriend . . . spend some time with your mom and dad . . . life would be happier and more blissful with all this little little warmth ^^ it all adds up ^^
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Take things lightly
I'm one of the 14 guys performing ^^ so be sure to check it out at Pasir Laba Camp if you have the time to spare . . . apparently i'm acting as section commander . . . nothing much actually . . .
Thought i can become balloon man or candy floss man . . . .but the folks in bunk say if i hand those out to kids they would cry -_- WHAT ! ! ! Think they are too tired of living ahah . . .
LOL . . . i'm not really in the mood to write anything actually because i'm brooding over something >.< HOPPING aganist hope . . . that some shit won't befall on me but HAI~ . . . if it has to be . . . it will be . . .
Monday, August 13, 2007
Come Come
BUT never mind ! . . . Should i be selected to be one of the 14 guys who is going to do the urban warfare simulation . . . its going to be a good thing ^^ Its going to be a Pasir Laba Camp . . .
I heard quite big event so to you folks out there please come support ! ! !
Friday, August 03, 2007
Urban Specialist ?
You guys want to see me in action LOL ? ? ? COME TO ARMY OPEN HOUSE 2007 WOOTZ . . .
Quite funny for a mortar commander to do unrban warfare lol . . . . but its for open house ^^ to show case how good the army is wahaha . . .
The folks in camp burn my weekend too much . . . till i have to think positively to stay sane LOL . . . tomorrow morning msut go back again for course . . . oh well ^^ just bite 5 minutes off if the future seems so hard to swallow . . .
EHHH . . . . nothing much to say . . . waiting for sister to come back from her hostel life to tell me more wootzz ^^
Hope you guys stay happy ^^
Sunday, July 29, 2007
WOOT ! ! !
You know what they call me in camp now . . . . -_- King Kong~ Law Enforcer . . . i'm the one who brings wrath to the men lol . . . but ok la, i'm also very kind to them ! ! !
Isn't it sad , disappointing , fustrated when the one you love hurts you . . . like when they ignored you emotionally . . .
But do you really think they did it on purpose ? ? ? I can tell you this and you better get this into your head now . . . no one who is deeply in love with you would do that ! ! ! Unless they don't love you then i'm not so sure about it . . . . but ! ! ! Most of the time its because the other party don't know what to do or say . . . . or they don't really speak your "langauge"
Let me get this clear . . . we all want to hear the "right" things from the one we love because its only "right" to hear it from them BUT HEY this is not possible all the time especially when your "Honeymoon" period blows over . . .
But i must stress that its not wrong to want all this . . . there is a proper way to go about achieving the happiness and having your partner speaking "your langauge" . . .
Remember one thing . . . they don't want to hurt you so if you're hurt or disappointed by their remarks let them know ! ! ! . . . BUT NEVER NEVER push the blame to them . . . Because at this point , if you were to push the blame to them its going to get even messy . . . let the other party know how you feel when he/she says that and why . . . nobody wants to be blame for doing something they don't know . . . You are not dictating what their responses is but this simple action gives them more knowledge about you . . . isn't that whats lacking when you feel hurt by their remarks ^^ Isn't that what you felt inside " He/she doesn't understand me at all " . . .
There is no perfect partner in this world who matches you right from the start . . . but humans can be perfect for each other if they open their hearts to one another . . . ^^ Don't shut off from speaking your heart . . . choices of words when you express your feelings are important . . . the wrong use of them could make the other partner feel that you are pushing the whole blame to him when seriously, he/she doesn't know what is going on ! ! ! !
ARGH getting late . . . i"ll touch on other topics ^^ what would be a bett topic when i return ? ? ? SUGGESTION . . . i can't share all this info in camp you know . . . because guys in my camp don't really like to talk about all this . . . so i share here ! ! !
Friday, July 27, 2007
Busy Busy ?
Burned weekends T_T
But i think that makes me treasure my time more back home . . . rest and relax more ^^
I just miss the time i can do anything freely . . . but nevermind ! ! ! Once i returned from Taiwan after my ATEC which is like April ? I can start to plan MY FREEDOM again lol^^ A bit messed up but nevermind ! If life isn't messy then there won't be joy in putting them in place . . .
Anyway i was on the train today . . . first time in a while lol . . . i always take taxi or Cong's car though . . . so i saw this girl . . . caught my eye the moment she walk pass me . . . because i was in uniform . . . and trying to act gungho even though i didn't get enough sleep for the past few days i choose to stand . . . err i was just trying to say shes really sweet looking den ! a few stops later came another girl ~ sat beside her but this girl did a bit of doll up here and there . . . quite fanciful den i thought to myself . . . who will leave the best impression with guys ? I look around again . . . den i saw quite a few girls who doll up . . . seriously they look very similiar to each other, so much for cakey face . . . though the first girl didn't doll up she left a very simple and nice impression with me ^^. . . she had a great smile too ! ! ! Holy . . . if only i wasn't in uniform . . . probably i would try to sit beside her . . .
But honestly i also no guts to sit beside her . . . if only i have got the guts like kenny who got so much balls to aproach girls . . . must salute him for that ^^
But anyway i'm stucked in ABC . . . "A Bachelor Club" probably for life lol but oh well i'll leave it to cupid to do the job . . . but for now Anime , Books , Army and not forgetting JAPAN comes before first ^^
Got girlfriend no girlfriend also like that . . . but to have a partner who enjoys everything with u is always a blessing which you sholdn't hold yourself back from accepting it ^^
I'll touch on relationship when i return on sunday morning after range . . . lets say the topic would be call . . . "Do you speak the langauge of your lover ^^"
Time to run :P ^^
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Knocked Up
Was initially pretty tired to go out but i have to book in Sunday to do guard com so might as well make use of my time outside . . .
Sometimes i wish i can just shut the mouth of some people . . . when theres work to be done just finish it . . . i don't really care if they really starts to hate me or what . . . because they got shitty attitude towards work . . . i don't really like the way things are doing in camp . . . seems like an office environment . . . fakes~ . I'm not in the position to judge but i will just vent it out here . . . I want to go back to my trainees days . . . now theres so much unspoken sh*t going on. . . never ending assults .
Whos true ? Whos faking ? . . . Enough said . . .
Mm . . . . Catch the movie ^^ its really funny . . . M18 by the way and their jokes can be offending if you take it too seriously :P
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts . . . . Endless
Leaving home for camp . . .
Heres what Nigel came up with last night . . .
"My heart is aching , you are the only painkiller"
Actually i was thinking "HOWCOME you thought of this lol"
Aching ? i guess everyone has their own "painkillers" for heartache . . . but sometimes you just can't get them . . . i want mine too . . .
But let nature take it course ^^
Friday, July 13, 2007
What to write ? ? ?
Enuff about the army stuff . . . sometimes it gets sooo mentally tiring inside camp that i just don't wish to say a word . . . i just stare blank into the wall or something and think about other stuff . . .
Just want to sleep . . . for months . . . just want to close my eyes and not do anything . . .
There was a case of some stars committing suicide over some relationship stuff i think ? ? ? The guy took his life -_- silly silly . . . i think he just wants to escape from the over whelming pain he has to go through . . . well its like being left alone with no one caring for you . . . but its not really true . . .
I personally feel the kind of love a lover can give can never be replace by any other form of love.
Though everything is classified as "LOVE" but don't you think its different when its given from different people ? And the depth of it depends on individual . . . how strongly one feels and response to it will never be the same for everyone . . . maybe thats why its hard to understand how someone else feels as its always hard to judge people's feelings by just looking at their expression . . . some people are just bad at expressing themselves but you never know they are bleeding deep inside just because you carelessly cast some remarks that meant no harm . . . thats what i conclude after reading and seeing so much things happening around . . .
When someone you love deeply with all your heart leaves you . . . that vaccancy cannot be replace by another other form of love other than the one from a lover . . . Don't you think its true ?
I should get some cranberry juice soon . . . think i'm blabbering rubbish here lol~ . . .
But really its good to be wanted . . . .
Good luck to you dude~ you waited like years~ don't just sit there and sulk . . . opportunity has arrive . . . get your ass off that chair and start turning the clock . . . .time will move for you . . . i think you have frozen your time for way too long . . . .
Don't let go if you don't want to . . .
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Bitter Sweet T_T

The words you were just about to say
Fell softly onto my fingertips
You don't have to say anything
I'll clasp your hand tightly and warm it up
Because words are words, I can't express half of the feelings in my heart
It's so wrenching and irritating as the sunset engulfs the both of us
My heart aches from all the feelings welling up inside of me
If you were to become a traveler
Would i be able to wait for you as i do now ?
As the seasons change
Even if our memories were to fade
I wouldn't be able to love someone with all of my heart like this
I want to protect the precious you
The two of us are never alone
My heart feels so fragile
And i want you to touch it
It's so wrenching and irritating that i can't go home . I want to keep waking like this
I feel the words from your heart on my finger tips .
Watched it on YouTube . . . very touching . . . Thats the ending songs lyrics . . . ouch~
You folks were "there" once too . . . Why not take some time to recollect your memories ^^
Friday, July 06, 2007
Oh well ^^
Accidently deleted some system file and i had to clean up my D drive ... lost most of the pictures ... songs ...lots of them !But oh well just forget it ^^ No point thinking about whats gone ...
Recently i watched a drama ... Ouch~ romance ... and it just gives you that first love feeling ... its so sweet yet bitter and sad at times ... i'm almost reaching the end ... i wonder what the ending is like ...
Really sweet ^^ makes me think a lot ... makes my heart ache a lot too ... i was like " If only "
I'm still a kid within i guess ... yearning for something :)
Maybe those kind of romance can only occur in shows ... maybe its not even possible ...
Ah Love~ ... its wonderful isn't it ...
Friday, June 29, 2007
No more Anime T_T
Quite sad . . . very sad actually . . . Anime is like . . . the best entertainment for me when i'm bored T_T . . . i don't play games now . . . watching anime is my past time . . . because its light hearted . . . funny . . . heart warming . . . most importantly its nicely drawn and they always come with beautifuly played soundtracks . . . those anime on the shelves in stores are release years back in Japan and the rate they release here takes donkey years . . . some series are banned from being released just because they are a bit graphical in some episode . . . if one day in the near future i have the financial capability i will definately stay in Japan for good . . . Dramas don't have them . . . I don't see much JDrama around anymore . . .
I use to watch JDrama a lot . . . until suddenly the drama seems to stop flying in . . . not much variety . . . sigh~
I'm going to miss this hobby so very much ~
Don't feel like getting the PS3 yet . . . but maybe i'll get it soon . . . I hate this . . . maybe i go join J J for canoeing . . . ARGH~
AGAIN ! -_-
And i had to fail my 2nd attempt few months back . . . they all kept urging me to take the test again otherwise it would waste all the money i've dumped inside . . . i actually wanted to wait till i orded then continue but . . . seems like a waste of money to keep extending my student course . . . this is really bothering me~ very very much . . . is driving that hard ? It wasn't~ its just those safety aspect which cost me to flunk it . . . WHY~ i'm begining to feel that i'm not suited for driving . . . just don't feel like stepping out to book everything again . . . but i want to accquire it . . . i want that lisence ! then i can move on to other stuff . . .
This is such a big . . . major roadblock in my life . . . just felt i can't move on to my other goals without clearing this . . . i know i can shrug this off and focus on other things at the same time but i'm the kind that wants to accomplish things first before moving on to another . . . partly its also because i don't have much time to come out for test . . . . argh~ so much for being in the most active battalion~ screwed up schedule . . . now everything is in a mess . . . i want my civilian life back T_T . . . anyway i'm dragging myself out to settle the test date again . . . i hate this . . . the feeling is bad . . . BUT~ i must settle this within the 3rd attempt . . . I will~ (Hopefully) T_T . . . Mum keep telling me because i never pray before i go for test thats why i fail lol~ . . .
Oh well ^^ . . . My sister is going to stay at the dorm at NTU this coming august onwards i think . . . her semester is begining soon ^^ My Mom and Dad will be left in the house with me in camp most of the time . . . part of growing up i guess . . . OH WELL i better move my ass to get the test date settle then go for a run . . . then gym~ must stay fit despite all the low morale i get from driving . . . . if not my men will look down on their sergent who gets defeated so easily . . .
Time to go ~ . . . .
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I've returned . . . a stronger soul
How was it !?!
Let me give brief run through of what i did . . .
Compass Course . . . Guided Navex . . . Checkpoint Manning . . . Exercise Nomad . . . Enemy Role
Of all these . . . Nomad was the worst for me . . . I almost break down during that exercise . . . Our mission was to find 4 check points 1 mid point 1 end point within 3 days . . . The terrain was F**KED up . . . many times i just want to stop walking but i can't . . . my team was lost several times . . . During one night the rain was so bad that i had to stay awake for 6 hours and try to keep myself warm . . . because i never bring my raincoat along with me . . . wet and cold . . . i kept shivering . . . i keep praying that i could last through the night . . . i told myself i need to get the hell out of there . . . i almost break when my team leader had no clue where to go . . . he told me to take the lead then . . . left with no options as hes too tired . . . i took the lead . . . not knowing where i'm heading . . . i just follow with my gut feeling . . . ^^ luckily we found the check point :P
Everything there was upsized . . . cicada as big as my fist . . . green scorpion~ you name it . . . the jungle has it . . .
Even those unseen . . . some men happen to be soo unlucky to see those spirit and they had to be extracted . . .
Most of us heard prayers in the jungle . . . prayers sung by whom ? we got no clue but THERE IS NO WAY WE SHOULD BE HEARING THAT . . . i hear it too . . . and i was quite shocked . . .
There is a saying that none should sleep across a ridge line as its a passage for the departed . . . those who disobeyed will get "disturbed" by those spirits . . . i'm not sure how true this is but none of us dare to try . . . respect the forest or it will eat you alive . . .
I drank quite a bit of river water too . . . haha its pretty cooling but water back here taste better .
I'm glad i'm back . . . really . . . Singapore is a very comfortable place to be in . . . out in Brunei . . . i don't feel so good . . . i only want to return here . . . but this trip has pushed my limits to another level . . .
Time to relax :P
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I miss the hugs~
WAAA . . . male lead and female lead HUG EACH OTHER after being reunited . . . female lead thought that male lead had died . . . 1 month later they reunited . . . .Roar~~I ALSO WANT ! ! !
Hugging . . . what a nice sensation . . . with someone you love . . . someone you want to protect . . . its nice . . . definately . . . . make you feel all snuggly . . . go get a hug from you darlingssss . . .
I'm flying on June 9th 7.30 am flight but i'm checking in like 4.30am ? LOL Rules~ T_T but anyway . . . TAKE CARE ! ! ! Just some weather reports from over there . . . it rains almost everyday from 3pm to 8pm . . . WHAT THE HELL ~ i can't imagine that . . . especially when I NEED TO NAVIGATE . . . Rain = low morale , slower pace , compass may get vapours ( it better don't happen otherwise i'm stuck inside ) , BOOTS GET REALLY SOAKED UP . . . ARGH
Don't rain . . .
I'll be back . . . ^^
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Maid ? Nurse ?
I'm not brave enough to ask for a photo taken with other maids~ lol though i wanted to . . .
Not bad ambience but mm . . . a bit off for the whole feeling . . . i don't really feel the theme of the cafe . . . ^^ but some of the waitress quite cute LOL . . . Even Nigel would agree with me . . . he also another one no balls to take photo with the girls LOL . . . Same for me T_T . . .
If you have a fair bit of cash to spare you can make a trip there . . . i spend about $30~ for pasta and coffee . . . quite alright ^^ . . . but Geylang's beef HorFun would be suffice lol !
Previously i ate with Cong at Edo . . . lol 80 BUCKS~ . . . but ITS GOOD !
I think theres another theme pub . . . Hospital kind~ . . . WOOHOO . . . MUST TRY .
Maybe when i return from Brunei lol . . .
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Woo Hoo
You all doing fine ? Sleeping well ? Eating well ? I hope those who read or HAPPEN to pass by my blog is happy ^^
For no reason i'm so happy recently . . . i talk so much more since last few weeks . . . i become more crappy and cooking up stupid jokes . . . Not that i met a girl . . . just that i found what i used to do . . . talking . . . even those in camp find me a bit noisy lately lol . . .
But nevermind about it ^^ Life is about . . . making decision and many many more but most importantly try to stay happy . . . avoid conflict with people ^^
Love the new section ? "Memories " ? Just dig up some old pictures every now and then to post there into a slide show . . . if i don't change frequently please bear with me because i don't have much time to upload photos that often . . . if you don't like it tell me lohz~ i take your pictures down ahah . . . i don't care anyway :P if i have your pictures MEANS I GOT THE RIGHT :p Haha they are very fond memories . . . think back and smile ^^ aren't you starting to miss it ?
I'm flying on the 9th but the time of flight hasn't been comfirmed . . . its either 2 am or 7 am.
I will return like on June 27 ? LOL
I will return . . . i will share more ^^ so you guys know more . . . Jungle , Camo Cream , MOSQUITO BITE . . . HERE I COME . . .
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Fluny attends a BBQ
In the evening i rush to meet my FOLKS some haven see each other for 5 years but all turn out to be well . . . pretty and handsome . . .
Heres some of the stuff they said lol
Simone and Kenny said : "We've known each other for coming 9 years but we are only friends for 2 years " .
Weiyang : "I WANT TO GET A GIRLFRIEND"( Note this )
Puiyee : "Argh Weiyang and Hengky so good looking ! "
Nigel : " OMG ! I'm the only one who hasn't enter army "
Then theres the usual charming and beautiful looking Christina sitting there talking to everyone . . . BUT ! before i get a chance to talk she left lol . . . Kenny was very happy to get a photo shoot with her too . . .
It was good . . . the gathering achieve the purpose i wanted . . . to bring them together . . . though not all are present but it was good enough . . .
Esther seems to disappear into thin air . . . if your're reading this PLEASE ! reply something . . .
Kate have you recieve my mail ?
I'm flying off the week after this ^^ . . .
"If you're lost just try to search around you . . . you're not alone . . . there always people willing to aid you . . . the thing you're searching for won't be lost that easily . . . be strong . . . don't give up girl . . . carry on smiling . . . just don't give up" ^^
Monday, May 21, 2007
Bad day BAD LUCK ?
T_T Mosquito bites everywhere till i can sleep during the night when we are doing live range . . .
Prior to this live firing i have just completed a 32km road march -_- river crossing . . . Live range . . . .ALL THIS in 7 days . . .
So so tired . . . suppose to attend a chalet for commanders but i never go because i just want to relax by myself . . . away from military stuff . . .
After my live firing i went for late supper wth caleb at MacDonald~ i left my handphone on the tray and by the time i went back to take it . . . it was gone . . . Cong came to drive me home . . . and we went to get roti prata . . . when i reach home . . . i go the roti prata BUT the curry was left behind in his car . . . . what a bad day . . . .
THIS IS MY 3RD PHONE during NS time . . . just too careless . . . so tired to really feel angry at myself about it . . . . oh well . . . i need a lot of rest . . . even when i'm doing things i like i can fall asleep . . . even when i'm standing i can fall asleep . . . 2 more weeks and i'm gone . . .
June 10 ^^ Brunei~
I miss you~
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Maturity ?
Maturity comes with ?
Angel told me . . . Yes, maturity isnt really about an age, its about experience and reflections and lessons....its listening to the voice inside, and following the path u know is right for you.
Nigel told me . . . that's why children sometimes can be more mature than adults.
Matthew told me . . . of course its life experience . . .
Ever give a thought about it ? Well ? ^^
Those in my camps always say i grumble a lot ahah . . thats because i told them i'm like that . . . i say this and i do that . . . i grumble that i hate doing certain things i still do it . . . partly because i got no choice but at the same time i know others are with me . . .
Nigel would say "Nah you're not going to do it . . . you're just saying because you're angry "
Haha . . i'm like that . . . i may be comforting you telling you how bright tomorrow is yet at the same time i can be telling you why the freaking commander take my off days away for some thing that doesn't even pay me well LOL . . .
Please don't BURN my off days T_T
Angel ? You're reading this aren't you ? ^^
Monday, May 07, 2007
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Don't make me do it . . .
Because our promotion has not been finalise yet so our men call us Corporal~ . . .
Today was pretty bad . . . the guys had to do universal cleaning which means a very through one . . . if the commander can spot dust patches means the men are going to get punished . . .
I was once a recruit . . . trainee . . . being punished for even the slightest mistake . . . i know how it feels to be treated like shit . . . and now i had to treat them like shit . . .
I was to inspect their bunks today before they book out . . . the seniors wanted us to show them who is in command and this is the best time to . . .
I wanted to take my men as my friends but . . . i think the line is drawn . . . either they respect me or don't and i doubt close friendship will blossom because only commander and men exist from now on . . .
It wasn't what i want . . . i raise my voice at them . . . i flung their dustbin and they look at me . . . i look at them . . . somehow i felt they are trying to tell me . . . Corporal Aw . . . why you treat us like dirt now . . . when Hong Tak look at me . . . i just couldn't tell him . . . this isn't my way of making things work . . . i just had to do my job . . . because i train with them for the last course so they know i'm one of the easiest spec to approach . . . i'm easy going . . . minor issues i don't care because we are all humans . . . we make mistakes and there shouldn't be a reason to make things so big . . . after the bunk shit . . . i told Hong Tak the way to clean certain areas so they don't get repirmanded by other specs . . . i know how they feel . . . because i've been through worse treatment . . . oh well i guess its going to be a bit bumpy ahah ^^
Friday, April 27, 2007
Got Mr Lim's photo also so quiet . . . maybe i should put Kenny's new outlook . . . or perhaps i can get J J's topless photo here . . . I don't mean the star JJ . . . i mean my friend J J . . .
I've taken my men finally for course ^^ lol . . . damm funny when i tell this guy . . . YOU WALK SOMEMORE ! ! ! I TAKE YOUR RIFLE MUZZLE AWAY . . . lol immediately he quicken his pace and get the job done properly . . . just a scare tactic i use haha pretty harmless yet they know my intention ^^ unlike some others who would blast at them for no reason and make those men grow to fear and disrepect them . . .
They are qutie afriad when i go looking for them . . . LOL normally not very good things will happen when your commander comes looking for you . . . haha
Fun ^^ its going to be TOUGH and FUN . . .
Ok . . . maybe i should not be writing anymore ahah ^^ i'll see about it :P Now they rushing me to come out ^^ cya peeps
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Do you dare to dream big ?
See the title ! Do you dare to dream big > AND make it happen ? I think i'm born for some reasons . . . but there is something i want to do . . . i want to do something big . . . something so influential that for the coming billions of generation , people will remember who is WENHAO . . .
But what big thing ? I just don't want to forgotten after i report to God . . . after all we are here for a reason . . . ^^
Maybe i start a company lending money to people ^^ then i PERSONALLY be the collector as well . . . i look like loanshark !@#!@#!@# Even Mr " Zhu Ying " say i look like those Encik~ I hope you become Zhu Ying also Mr Teo @#!@#!@
So what do you dream ? Or you just want to carry on living without dreams ?
I think when we are small we dream more . . . but as we grow we stop dreaming . . . it might be because of society ? It doesn't cost much to dream . . . i dream . . . i deam of setting up a Theme Cafe . . . that changes theme every few months ^^
So whats your dream for this lifetime ?
Got boyfriend bring boyfriend . . . got girlfriend bring girlfriend . . . if you're not attached like me BRING lots of friends . . . go buy the tickets now . . .
Must watch ! ! ! " 200 pound beauty " a very nice movie ^^
Even Nigel agree . . . go catch it ! ! !
Suppose to watch The Hills Have Eyes 2 but Nigel underage lol ! so i ask him watch this instead . . .
I thought pretty was enough to describe . . . but shes very cute ! ! !
Some touching scene . . .
Get going ! ! ! DON'T WAIT ! ! !
Thursday, April 19, 2007
We've grown ^^
ME ? still a bit more to go . . . i slpet a lot these few days , about 16 hours per day ? Haha currently on leave for 2 days ^^
I'm going to spend the next 10 years with those buddies of mine now . . . lol~ HEY i did not sign on -_- NO WAY . . . just that i'm inside a battalion so i will be seeing my men during reservist for the next 10 years to come . . .
HOPE can clear leave like 5 days . . . The battalion's schedule is really stopping me from going to Japan this Sep !@#!@#! Even Matthew wants to come along . . .
Brunei soon ^^ want any gifts ? lol maybe i get some back huh~ lol . . . what could i possibly get from there ? Oil ? Maybe i get some barrels for Ken~ . . . get him to refine it into petrol for his car :P
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
1 short entry before i book in
Sunday, April 08, 2007
>.< >.<
Hai troublesome . . .
What to write for "Thank You" speech ? ? ? . . .
Sounds fake when you're not really into it . . .
I just finish my live firing over Good Friday . . . so hows the expereience ? . . . i'm damm afriad to operate the mortar . . . not that its hard to deploy but i'm very afriad that one day when we are doing live firing the round just goes off without exiting the barrel . . . then i'll be shredded into pieces . . . HE killing zone 25m radius . . . i haven't even include the fragmentation zone yet ahah . . . probably the body parts will alll go "missing" if one were to explode right in my face . . . I was "given" the chance to stabilise the baseplate by standing on it and holding the barrel in place while my friend pulls the trigger pull . . . POOM ! a sound so loud that could make you go near deaf if you got no ear plugs on . . . i was looking beneath at my feet . . . and praying hard that the 5 rounds which we are firingthat time will go off smoothly . . . phew . . . and finally someone else has to take my place . . .
For the whole day live firing mission i was the commander for my detachement . . . running up and down guiding vehicle into deployment . . . ensuring my other friends play their roles properly . . . checking the mortar sight alignment so the round won't end up at places where it shouldn't be . . . worst thing of the day . . . it rained . . . and the whole place got so muddy . . . every round we fired mud fly up and smack right into my face . . . one of my friend got mud smack right into his eye and had to see medic to clean it off . . . crappy shi*t . . . and the mosquitosssss there is DARN TERRIBLE . . . i think if i stay still for one minute 10 would fly to my hand and start biting me . . . 20 over would fly to my thighs to bite me . . . my neck . . . basically everyparts of my body is covered with mosquito . . . i have never been to places where the mosquito comes in such great numbers . . . the bites they cause doesn't even heal . . . still swelling a bit . . . T_T . . .
I'm reporting to my new unit soon . . . going to Brunei in a 2 mths time i think . . . maybe less . . . hope i don't miss home and you folks too much . . . i can get pretty homesick sometimes then i will go into those "dying mode" where i go no motivation for everything . . . just want to sleep . . .
I may sound like its fun but . . . its only fun because its over . . . when i'm going through it . . . its hell . . .
Tada . . . ^^