Sunday, December 31, 2006

A brand new year ^^ Happy New Year Folks

2007 is here in like a few hours time ? ? ? . . .

Turning 21 next year ^^ pretty cool . . . i got nothing to wish for in the new year ^^ :P i'll just get my hands dirty and achieve whatever i want to achieve . . . ^^

Was quite amazed at how fast 1 year had passed by . . . "Shocked" lol

Pretty happy year for me though . . . nothing to worry about . . . at certain time just thought of some err old yet sweet memories i had with some particular person . . . but well ^^ when you embrace the right emotions . . . whatever s*it you're facing in front of you would be easily overcome ^^

Before 2006 ends . . . i wish you readers all the best in the coming new year . . . those waiting for girlfriend or boyfriend to drop onto your lap please start taking initiative because it doesn't happen when you just dream about it ^^ you make your dream come true by taking action . . .

Do your best in whatever you are doing and to those who are getting married this coming 2007 DON'T FORGET ME ON THE WEDDING INVITATION LIST YOU HEAR ME ! ! !

Those who are going army soon . . . i would tell you " WELCOME TO THE ARMY " :P

Lastly . . . "Hey there , i'm not sure if this is going to reach you or not . . . but from the last few conversation we had way back , i think you are doing pretty well in every aspect of your life . . . though things gets a bit rough at times i feel that you have the abilities to overcome it . . . because thats what you are made up of ^^ stay strong , stay cheerful and be happy."

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Heres me and puiyee ^^  Posted by Picasa

Nice right ^^ A gentle side of Puiyee~  Posted by Picasa

DAMM unfair . . . i ordered the wrong one . . . T_T see what the rest got for desert . . .  Posted by Picasa

MY CHOCOLATE CAKE -_- Miserable one Posted by Picasa

Puyiee and Yiting ^^ . . . Are you going to ask me to remove this picture ? ? ? Posted by Picasa

Couple of the Day ^^ . . . Edmund and Yiting ! ! ! Don't try to get Ting because Edmund will send you right to jail ^^  Posted by Picasa

Kenny eyeing something . . . ~  Posted by Picasa

A pose from Simone ^^ Great Smile there ^^ Posted by Picasa

VOLA Simone and Kenny at . . . NYDC Christmas EVE's SPeciaL Posted by Picasa

Long WeekEnd ^^

Its good to have long weekend ^^ . . .

But T_T I injured myself . . . think i stressed out my right arm too much while doing the standard obstacle course . . . bla~ can't lift up my arm without feeling a sharp pain at the joint . . . think it will recover by itself ^^ can't disclose too much stuff i do in SISPEC . . . don't wish to get sent to detention barrack for something i post here so ^^ whats the way to know more ? Join the army yourself :P

Its tough mentally when you have to learn one thing today and you have to be tested on it tomorrow . . . grades would be given and how well you do determines where you go next . . .

My time so far taught me to make decision faster . . . not to brood over certain things that often . . . issues which i have no control over would not linger in my mind anymore . . .

Heres what i told a buddy of mine

"Can you gurantee you would still be alive tomorrow ? No right !
Did it occur to you that one day you will aged and die ? You're too occupied with other things to think about yourself right ? ( Nodding his head )
Then what the hell are you doing now ?
Treat everyday as your last , spend sometime for yourself and i'm sure it would benefit you more then what you are doing to yourself now . . . "

Anyway his girlfriend finally realise hes the she need . . . hes a blissful man now and in OCS . . . he still owe me root beer for the bet i had with him LOL . . . though we're just a few KM apart in terms of distance we still encourage each other to move forward because of the tough training we go through .

Are you making use of every seconds of your life ? . . .

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Err . . . i almost wanted to give up on the first day when i went in to SISPEC . . . probably because of the environment . . . We didn't get scolded , didn't get punished but it just felt so uneasy . . . very uneasy . . . i just don't feel that i can get through all this . . . basically i got no confidence in myself . . . but as the days pass by i slowly adpated to the way of life there . . . i'm not sure what my second week is going to be like but i guess i will just hang on for 8 more weeks till i graduate ^^ . . . Pretty stressful when you become the Section Commander . . . responsible for everyone's existence . . . Oh well . . . The physical training there is WOA ! Up 10 levels compared to BMT -_-

Yesterday i did the 4 km Endurance run with Boots and Vest only . . . about few hundreds metre to the end i started to walk LOL . . . i can't keep up with their pace because the front man is running too fast than he should be !#!@#!@#! mind you its not a straight road . . . its full of up slope and down slope . . . but still manage to finish it because Lenard keep urging me to go on . . . its funny when you can run faster in IPPT but when it comes to Endurance Run i can't keep up . . . LOL have to admit i'm not combat fit T_T

But well ^^ What doesn't kills you only makes you stronger right ^^ . . . In Sispec we must start to use our rusty brain lol . . . Lots of lectures and physical training awaits . . . not to forget COUNTLESSS OF OUT FIELD TRAINING . . . PLEASE STOP RAINING ITS GOING TO GET REAL MUDDY . . . don't wish to crawl in mud . . . T_T centipedes would be swimming into my shirt T_T . . . HELPPPP !!! LOL

Are you guys well ? Its rainy season and i think most of the people would start catching colds . . . stay healthy ^^ and enjoy this coming Christmas and New Year ^^ . . .

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year people ^^

So whats my wish for christmas ? Mm . . . To be extremely happy on that day ^^

Monday, December 18, 2006

ARGHHH . . .

I'm going to report to camp in like 7 hours time . . .

Lots of butterflies in my stomach . . .

Argh command school . . . .

Argh . . . T_T 10 weeks . . .

Anxious . . . . whats going to come . . . oh boy . . . .~

Yet at the same time . . . i know i will look back one day and laugh at all this life experiences ^^

It will be over before i know it ^^ ( I hope so )

See you folks this coming weekend again . . .

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ahaha Specialist ^^

Combat Spec . . .

Going to report to Sispec on Monday . . . i guess its going to be another hell for 3 months . . .

LOL but well its what i have to go through ^^ Then there will come a day where i can lead 7 men under my wings ^^ Isn't that good ? You do things together . . . and you suffer together . . . thats where bonds begin . . . same for relationship right ? Except what couples endure is totally different . . . logically it still applies . . .

Going to wear that smelly helmet again . . . T_T LoL buts its not that bad when you have many others suffering like you . . .

Going for ball game later ^^ see you folks ^^

Friday, December 15, 2006


Go catch the movie ! ! !

I went to watch with zhiyong and he rate it 4/5 . . .

Though the whole cinema only got less than 10 people . . .

I'm not sure if many can appreciate this but . . . if you like 1 litre no namida . . . or you're into japanese drama . . . this is a must ! ! !

Check this video in youtube ^^ heres a short movie preview

Very cute Yui ^^

SisPEC ! ! !

Posted to SISPEC . . . INFT LDR

With me are David , Zhiyong , Shixiag . . . MORE TO COME . . .

Though i lost Dickson to OCS lol but all the best to him still . . . thats what he wanted and this is what i wanted ^^ . . .

More upcoming news . . . going to donate blood . . .

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Great Day Great Ladies ^^ And i had a great time . . .

Do i need to say more ?

Woke up pretty late . . . OH BOY block leave is ending soon ! ! ! Argh i wonder where will i be posted to . . . but anyway it was a great wednesday for me . . .

I rush a few episode of Shakugan No Shana before i went to meet Lady Felicia for coffee ^^ . . . Saw her cousin and her sister ^^ pretty ladies like Felicia too, i guess the genes runs in the family . . . But i think i too fearful for the two little girls . . . but i was busying thinking of ways to enlighten Hao Jie Mei lol . . .

Talk with Felicia for over 2 hours plus plus . . . my longest conversation with her so far . . . it does shed some light about her too ^^ and i wonder how was it for her . . . By the way Felicia you look great today ^^ that new hairstyle looks great too ^^ .

Next up i went to meet Shuning after during her dinner break . . . I can't remember whats that restaurant call but WOA the Skewer Prawn is GOOD . . . Its at Marina Square by the way :P Just a pity i only had one hour with her ^^ So she went back to mind her job . . . Busy me walking around looking at various stuff . . . the sakae sushi setting at Marina was cool . . . but well i don't like to dine there anymore . . . there are better places for me to try sushi ^^ HohOHo

Then i rush down to catch a movie with Zhiyang . . . actually Hush and Weiyang was suppose to come but LOL hell i mixed up some stuff so only left me and Zhiyang . . . Eragon . . . mm . . . so so and there is a sequal to it . . .

I came across another upcoming movie which is a JAPANESE MOVIE " MIDNIGHT SUN " . MUST WATCH OK PEOPLE . . .

Dying Girl . . . Love Boy . . . Record songs . . . Immortalise Her voice . . . Bla Bla BLa

Get it ? :P

Never felt any better than this day . . . Guess i spoke the most today lol . . . So much for today I have things to attend to :P

Oh cousin going BangKok Again . . . and i have to report to CAMP myself T_T no more free rides for a while :P

Hey enjoy the festive seasons ok people . . . Christmas is coming , i'm sure all your wishes will be granted . . . If it doesn't its ok because theres Christmas next year also . . . Just keep wishing and don't give up on your wish ^^

OK enough said . . . Bye Peeps ^^

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Topic ?

Freed ^^ . . . Nothing to do . . . come here type rubbish . . .

Went J8 last night by myself . . . Bought one regular "Ultimate"

Woo hoo that coffee nice ! :P

Bought a lot of food home . . .

Saw this shirt at U2 but no more Medium size !#!@#@!#!

Lots of babes there when i went ahah . . . even the assistant at SnK is so lovely :P

No good movies to watch too lately . . . mm . . .

Going out later again ^^

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Kenny seems happy when he gets to eat sweets Posted by Picasa

She did a dance LOL Ting Ting ^^ Posted by Picasa

Simone and err . . . baton for wacking bad boys Posted by Picasa

WA LAO ! ! ! Carry duffle Bag go back camp do guard duty ah !#*!@#!@#!@ Posted by Picasa

Kenny sending me off to do guard duty . . .  Posted by Picasa

Another decent pose from Puiyee . . .  Posted by Picasa

Edmund and Yiting ^^ Lovely isn't it  Posted by Picasa

Err Bangla worker and Puiyee . . .  Posted by Picasa

TA DA Yiting's b`day steamboat :P Posted by Picasa

Vivo ? lol

Went to Vivo City yesterday for a stroll . . . with Allan and Yz . . . . i didn't join up with the others for marina steamboat . . . ahah something cock up la . . . lol maybe if David's ice cream girl is going i might consider ahah . . . maybe i'll get a photo of her from him and post it :P ^^ shes single and avaliable ??? Bah . . . i'm not intrested but i've set my eyes on . . . . someone long long ago . . .

Limerence is not going to work in a relationship . . . knowing what you want and whats suitable is a BIG difference . . . and i'm sure you folks know it well . . . so much for this sentence of hidden meanings LoL . . . it might be for you ? Go decipher it . . .

Eh . . . not as wonderful as i though it would be . . . maybe the cinema is grand but oh well nothing much for me at vivo . . .

And i have no idea where N went . . . freaking hell . . . . its like he has disappear into thin air . . . can anyone locate him ?

Almost went crazy last night . . . lol i won't say why . . . my hao jie mei know . . . i don't want to revert back . . . no way am i going to plunge in to that dark abyss again . . . i've reach the limit for that issue !#!@#!@#!@ now its time to get over it once and for all . . . yes i hope it really is once and for all . . . :P

One more thing . . . Simone ! PICTURES ! ! ! i don't have much days left before i get posted to some hell again . . . so hurry hurry send me those photos . . . ^^

You know my initial on the uniform is
"W H AW" . . . . Ah Cong's was " W C AW" people in camp sometime calls me "WOW" and my cousin is called "WAKAO" . . .

Ok enough of the "WOW" and "WAKAO" . . . time to hit the Tracks . . .

Thursday, December 07, 2006

BMT OVER ! ! !

Just a wink . . . 3 months of training just went by . . . sad , happy and lots of mix emotions . . . .

Sad ? I won't be seeing my buddies everday in bunk laughing around . . . prowling around looking for people to blanket . . . running to the shower room as if they are running for the ferry . . .

It certainly was a great time in BMT . . . because i have very good platoon mates which made this possible . . .

I heard from some others who doesn't share my same experience . . . but for me i felt i'm very fortunate . . . fortunate enough to have met them . . . and those who came along my path .

I'm going to miss those guys whom i suffered with during field camp . . . road marches . . . punishment . . . area cleaning . . . they are a great bunch of guys . . .

10 Days block leave ^^ finally i can have a short break and enjoy the life of a temporary civilian . . . away from the daily regimentation . . . area cleaning . . . >.<

Hows everything going on for you my dear silent readers . . . And i HOPE what Dickson says won't come true !@#!@#! . . . . Going for a swim ^^

So long people . . .

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

HEN TA TAKI JAPAT HEN TA ! ! ! BROOM BROOM BROOM . . . Our OC Commando ^^ the only man with red beret on the parade ground ^^ Posted by Picasa

Last but not least Hui Yi ^^ thanks for the treat :P Posted by Picasa

COUGAR marching in now ^^ Smart looking aren't we ? Posted by Picasa

Sgt Justin with Us ^^ Posted by Picasa

My Section mates ^^ together with my Sec Com Posted by Picasa


What a mess Posted by Picasa