Found a job . . . but decided to turn it down . . . though i'm quite in need of money for outings but i just don't feel like working such short hours . . . 6.50/hr work from 5-9pm promoting beer . . . Ya a guy promting beer . . . i don't drink beer . . . i drink milk . . . beer stinks . . . and i don't see whats so nice about beer . . . makes you feel bloated easily . . . tried that before . . . and the manner i got employed makes me feel rather insecure . . . no interview no nothing . . . all i have to do is attend a briefing and off i would be sent to work . . . funny . . . but well i don't like to be such an irresponsible person so i decided to call the lady up and tell her i'm rejecting her offer . . .
So . . . lately there has been lots of talks about best friends . . . understanding each other and many many more . . .
Do you have a best friend ? . . . Whats a best friend ? Must they have certain qualities ? Must they understand you better compared to the rest of your friends ?
Me : I don't consider myself to have a bestfriend . . .
I have good friends . . . those whom i can talk to are my good friends . . . you would surely ask if i had any special ones among those good friends . . . then perhaps Esther or My cousin would be the special one but i won't use the term "best friend" . . . guess i would only use it on the one who would end up with me till the end of time . . . but how would i know right ^^
So those who understand you well . . . are they your bestfriend ? Maybe ? Maybe not . . . Perhaps the person who dislike you most can understand you better . . .
Well . . . i'm not sure but i guess there is this special someone other than your GF/BF in each and everyone of you . . .
Thats the end of "Best Friend" . . . .
"YOU NEVER UNDERSTAND ME" sounds familiar ?
I'm sorry if i had said it to
you . . . because i shouldn't have said that . . .
I can't expect you to know what i'm thinking every second every minute everytime of the day . . . its a selfish act of mine . . .
I feel that only myself can understand myself best . . . and it would be unfair to say it to anyone
so why should i blame anyone for things they might not know . . . its wrong thing to do and its definately hurtful to that person when they are trying their best to listen or talk to you . . . then again its a painful fact . . .