Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Island Vs Reality

Previous post was rather no intresting . . . so i decided to post what i chat with Aishah and JieMei. Here is their reply and i did not chat with them at the same time . . .

Wenhao : If you put a man and a woman on an island . . . would they fall in love eventually ?
Aishah : Yes of course
JieMei : Yes of course

Wenhao : Why ?
Aishah : Even if they don't like each other . . . over time they will . . . because of the time together
JieMei :No choice . . . they only have each other

Now what i come to understand from the conversation with this 2 ladies is that being together breeds LOVE from nothing . . . partly is out of desperation and the other because of time .

I'll leave the desperation part out . . . lets talk about time. I'm not sure if everyone would agree that time breeds love which is to say being together for some time . . . some mutual liking for each other will occur. It MAY or MAY NOT. But that is because on the island there is only the man and woman . . . nothing else is there . . . the focus is on each other .

If i throw the scenario back to mainland city . . . the answer will be a big NO . . . Being together all the time may not necessary breed love . . . it may get boring , lack of sparks , lack of passion and many more . . . a new woman or man can come along and provide the initial spark and tear apart the union . . . Wiro's belief " There is no ever lasting love " Somehow i'm starting to agree with him . . . There is too much new things and new people out there . . . But my principles will forever be forge by this belief " There is lasting love if you are willing to try " . At the very least i'm born because my Mum and Dad are in love because they try to make things happen , and of also the made me ^^. . . till now they are still together . . .

Mmm . . . . " When you only have each other . . . only will you truly love them whole heartedly forever "

Just crapping around ^^

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