Dragging myself out of bed . . . as usual having to wake up at 5.30 seems to be a daunting task for me at times . . . just so sick of travelling to work.
I walk and walk . . . to the bus stop . . . . Ding Ding Ding Ding . . ( my handphone ringtone ) took out to see who would call me so early . . . OHH ! RANDALL !
Randall : Wenhao ?
Wenhao: Yar ? Why ?
Randall : Where are you ?
Wenhao: At my house here . . .
Randall : Oh ok~ I sending my boy to school now.
Wenhao: Oh
Randall : Later you meet me outside the school we go to work together ^^
Nice ^^ simply fantastic to have a bike ride in the morning ^^ from darkness into daylight . .
i witness the change and felt the wind aganist my face . . . very cooling . . . so before work we had breakfast ^^ so while eating i was thinking weather to buy breakfast for Gillian ahah but end up talking too much and forgot about it . . . Gillian was grumbling that i very heartless never buy beehoon for her ^^ ok i'll promise if i ever ride with Randall again i will get for you too ^^
My days are ending over there i would miss that place a lot because of the people . Seldom i felt such attachement to places where i work . . . perhaps the people there are more genuine . . .
Like i mention to Gillian . . . because Miss Tan owe me and yijie a dinner treat so i told her this
Wenhao : I don't need her to treat me . . . all i ask for , is for her to remember me . . .
Well i guess its just as simple as that . . .
Mum came home telling me my nike slipper very nice to wear . . . so i guess would be searching for a comfortable pair of slippers for her ^^
Heres what i ripped out from Hao Jie Mei blog ^^ ( The myth ) Nice movie must watch ^^
Decode for me , the most mystic waiting
The stars have fallen , and the wind is blowing
Finally, I can embrace you again
Two hearts vibrating
Believe me , my heart has never changed
Thousand years of waiting with my promise
No matter how many cold winters have passed
I will never let go
Now tightly hold my hands , and colse you eyes
Please think about the times when we were deeply in love
Because we loved too much
That is why we have been in such pain
We cannot even say the words "I love you" to each other
Every night, my heart is pierced by pain
My thought of you has no end
Long been accustomed to the following by loneliness
I use smile to face it
Believing in me , you choose to wait
No matter how much pain you have felt , you never give up
Only your softness can save me
From the endless coldness
Let the love that is in our hearts
Become that ever blossoming flower
Together we travel through the endless space and time
Only true love follows you and me
Travelling through the endless space and time
We cannot even say the words "I love you" to each other
Love is the only myth that is in the hearts that never changes
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Tired . . .
How i wish holiday come fast . . tired of waking up so early in the morning to go to work . . .
Not that i detest working but the travelling distance is killing me . . . now i can't even stay awake like i use to be . . . just doze off easily .
Yup i got my camera and had to go all the way to Harbour Front yesterday to collect the SD card . . . took a long walk around that area . . .
So what more can i share ? HaHa ^^ i guess thats much for me . . . .
Oh ! When i was on the train home this little baby sat beside me . . . 2 year old ? i guess so . . . so this little boy was communicating with his mother in babies language ^^ how innocent is everything to this little lad . . . when i look at my reflection . . . i realise i'm turning 20 soon . . . and i've come to know how this world runs . . . I'll end here . . .
Not that i detest working but the travelling distance is killing me . . . now i can't even stay awake like i use to be . . . just doze off easily .
Yup i got my camera and had to go all the way to Harbour Front yesterday to collect the SD card . . . took a long walk around that area . . .
So what more can i share ? HaHa ^^ i guess thats much for me . . . .
Oh ! When i was on the train home this little baby sat beside me . . . 2 year old ? i guess so . . . so this little boy was communicating with his mother in babies language ^^ how innocent is everything to this little lad . . . when i look at my reflection . . . i realise i'm turning 20 soon . . . and i've come to know how this world runs . . . I'll end here . . .
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Chilly night with a sense of comfort
Pretty cooling tonight . . . or rather chilly ^^ Been dozing off a lot every now and then
Work as usual but doesn't seems like attachment is such a bad thing ^^ i prefer staying on rather than returning back to school . . Thats right in 1 month time i will finish my attachment and back to school i go.
Had dinner with kenny today and we chatted a while . . . seems like it was just yesterday when we just graduated from secondary school . . . known him for quite a few years already . . . hes a great person to be with and its definately not boring to be out with him. . . still love the queenstown trip with him . . . unforgettable . . . when he laugh like mad ^^ .
This is a cold night . . . but yet i don't feel the chilling fear in me . . . it brings comfort to me . . . the cold wind brushes off the heat from my skin , ease the anxiety in my head and brought comfort to my soul . . .
How long has it been since i took a walk alone . . . down the same path without fear . . . it isn't about me loving solitude . . . solitude~. . . as for me i guess i cannot appreciate what solitude brings . . . i'm born like any other people with the instinct to bond . . . perhaps its hard to comprehend my emotional character but i guess thats what make me different from others . . .
I wonder how long more i can walk down this path with the same comfort as tonight . . . still if i'm given a choice . . . i would not wish to walk alone . . . .
Its breezy . . . even the leaves are dancing . . . .
Work as usual but doesn't seems like attachment is such a bad thing ^^ i prefer staying on rather than returning back to school . . Thats right in 1 month time i will finish my attachment and back to school i go.
Had dinner with kenny today and we chatted a while . . . seems like it was just yesterday when we just graduated from secondary school . . . known him for quite a few years already . . . hes a great person to be with and its definately not boring to be out with him. . . still love the queenstown trip with him . . . unforgettable . . . when he laugh like mad ^^ .
This is a cold night . . . but yet i don't feel the chilling fear in me . . . it brings comfort to me . . . the cold wind brushes off the heat from my skin , ease the anxiety in my head and brought comfort to my soul . . .
How long has it been since i took a walk alone . . . down the same path without fear . . . it isn't about me loving solitude . . . solitude~. . . as for me i guess i cannot appreciate what solitude brings . . . i'm born like any other people with the instinct to bond . . . perhaps its hard to comprehend my emotional character but i guess thats what make me different from others . . .
I wonder how long more i can walk down this path with the same comfort as tonight . . . still if i'm given a choice . . . i would not wish to walk alone . . . .
Its breezy . . . even the leaves are dancing . . . .
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Fading . . .
Been rather good lately at work . . . manage to clear a report for my boss to go for a meeting and now tasked to aid Gillian with auits preperation for next week internal auditing. Trust me Miss G everything will be able to complete by the date line .
So much for my working llife . . .
Personal life . . . mmm . . . . nothing much except dining out with Randall , Gillian after work at times or meeting friends for movies or coffees . . .
Nothing to brood over nothing to worry. . . Worry about going back to school perhaps ? I guess as long as it doesn't kill me it will only make me better . . . Just few months to go and i'm free to pursue what i wanted in life ^.^
Do i regret anything till now ? There is of course . . . but lamenting or keep whining about it doesn't help . . . there is only 2 choices . . . to keep brooding over it until you aged or learn and get over it . . . the only way to make life better is to pick yourself up and wipe those tears off your face , keep walking forward . . . and the wound would heal . . .
Learn and move . . . life is a long lesson . . . . i stumble once and i thank this person who made me realise something . . . ^.^
"My life journey does not end with a broken heart , the missing piece will always find its way back to where it belong"
Good Night
So much for my working llife . . .
Personal life . . . mmm . . . . nothing much except dining out with Randall , Gillian after work at times or meeting friends for movies or coffees . . .
Nothing to brood over nothing to worry. . . Worry about going back to school perhaps ? I guess as long as it doesn't kill me it will only make me better . . . Just few months to go and i'm free to pursue what i wanted in life ^.^
Do i regret anything till now ? There is of course . . . but lamenting or keep whining about it doesn't help . . . there is only 2 choices . . . to keep brooding over it until you aged or learn and get over it . . . the only way to make life better is to pick yourself up and wipe those tears off your face , keep walking forward . . . and the wound would heal . . .
Learn and move . . . life is a long lesson . . . . i stumble once and i thank this person who made me realise something . . . ^.^
"My life journey does not end with a broken heart , the missing piece will always find its way back to where it belong"
Good Night
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Be with you
Stayed at home the whole day . . . basically playing games and eating junk food .
I got rather tired from playing games so i watch " Be with you " which is a Japanese movie
Takeuchi Yuko ( Mio ) was died in this story . Her husband Takumi (Nakamura Shidou) and his 6-year old son Yuji (Takei Akashi) try to make the best out of this unfortunate circumstance living each day in silent remembrance of the beautiful days they cherished together with Mio as they desperately cling on to her final words, a promise that she will return during the rainy season. Exactly one year after Mio left them Yuji and his father observe a strangely familiar woman at the place where they use to be . .
Kept raining today . . . i guess . . . very sad when Mio left again in the end when she fufilled her promise . . . T_T luckily that part my sister went out otherwise she will see her brother's face wet. Must watch . . . i suppose some of you catch this movie already if not i can lend you the vcd ^.^ . . .
Can't help but . . . the show made me rather sad . . . i'm missing someone . . . terribly .
Better stop here otherwise i'll start going on and on . . . nonstop . . . yes . . . i miss you and do you know ? ^.^ maybe . . . its just my wishful thinking i guess . . .
I got rather tired from playing games so i watch " Be with you " which is a Japanese movie
Takeuchi Yuko ( Mio ) was died in this story . Her husband Takumi (Nakamura Shidou) and his 6-year old son Yuji (Takei Akashi) try to make the best out of this unfortunate circumstance living each day in silent remembrance of the beautiful days they cherished together with Mio as they desperately cling on to her final words, a promise that she will return during the rainy season. Exactly one year after Mio left them Yuji and his father observe a strangely familiar woman at the place where they use to be . .
Kept raining today . . . i guess . . . very sad when Mio left again in the end when she fufilled her promise . . . T_T luckily that part my sister went out otherwise she will see her brother's face wet. Must watch . . . i suppose some of you catch this movie already if not i can lend you the vcd ^.^ . . .
Can't help but . . . the show made me rather sad . . . i'm missing someone . . . terribly .
Better stop here otherwise i'll start going on and on . . . nonstop . . . yes . . . i miss you and do you know ? ^.^ maybe . . . its just my wishful thinking i guess . . .
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Farwell Ah Guan
Thats him in white ^.^ buddy buddy.Pic was taken quite sometime back. We'll see you in 3 weeks time. YOU COME OUT BETTER CALL US . . . Or i go TPY knock your house down.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
What the hell ~
Was quite funny on the way home
As usual Ah hao read newspaper on train other people stare. . . the train kind of empty so only a few people was there . . . I look like CHAO AH BENG i think so theres this guy in white T- shirt who was like staring at me . . . so i glance at him back and GOD !
He did the most unimaginable thing man . . . he start digging his "goldmine" while exchanging glances with me *oh wat the fart*
Was going to burst out laughing . . . and YET he pull another stun . . .
After he EXTRACT his precious "GOLD" he examine it with precise observation . . . almost making him look like a professional in this particular field of practice .
So to check the quality of this "Gold" he put into his mouth to check the quality . . . .
After a bit of nibbling the "GOLD" he decided that the quality was good so he return the GOLD back to the orginal "mining zone" hopping that it would become a bigger GOLD.
From Yishun to Ang Mo Kio i think it was qutie a daunting task for him to extract this piece of valuable mineral from his "goldmine"
I was giving the "WHAT THE FART" look at this lady who was beside him . . .
Perhaps the process was really too exciting for her . . . she stood up and change seat . . .
I almost puke all the coffee i had earlier on . . .
Oh God what a ride . . .
As usual Ah hao read newspaper on train other people stare. . . the train kind of empty so only a few people was there . . . I look like CHAO AH BENG i think so theres this guy in white T- shirt who was like staring at me . . . so i glance at him back and GOD !
He did the most unimaginable thing man . . . he start digging his "goldmine" while exchanging glances with me *oh wat the fart*
Was going to burst out laughing . . . and YET he pull another stun . . .
After he EXTRACT his precious "GOLD" he examine it with precise observation . . . almost making him look like a professional in this particular field of practice .
So to check the quality of this "Gold" he put into his mouth to check the quality . . . .
After a bit of nibbling the "GOLD" he decided that the quality was good so he return the GOLD back to the orginal "mining zone" hopping that it would become a bigger GOLD.
From Yishun to Ang Mo Kio i think it was qutie a daunting task for him to extract this piece of valuable mineral from his "goldmine"
I was giving the "WHAT THE FART" look at this lady who was beside him . . .
Perhaps the process was really too exciting for her . . . she stood up and change seat . . .
I almost puke all the coffee i had earlier on . . .
Oh God what a ride . . .
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Drizzling Rain
I finished watching "Crying out love in the center of the world" it was shown in Cathay before but i did not manage to catch it. I bought the show last night and also "Be with you". Quite nice, i sat on my comfty chair in the middle of the hall with a cup of coffee watching the show. Very serene feeling . . . somemore it started raining, making the atmosphere 100% right for such show.
Life is smooth for me . . . after a rift which causes my life to turn almost upside down . . . still i manage to pass that phase where i can't sleep because i'm so afriad of tomorrow . . . .
Been spending a lot on myself ^.^ . Bought shirts and watch and many many more to come ^.^
Sorry guys if i have been grumbling a lot over and over again . . . well sometimes i just can't stop saying the same thing over and over again . . . perhaps memories are there to stay . . . i have tied up the loose end unknowningly . . . i have moved on unknowningly .
Watched Herbie with Kenny and Puiyee at PS and i must say the show is not bad . . . worth the money ^.^
Alright leaving for Grandmother home soon ^.^
Heres something from me , perhaps you may find some meaning . . .
"The person you don't wish to hurt the most would be the one whom your heart cared for a lot"
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