Met up with Ah ning , Simone , Kenny ,Puiyee , Eemei for a gathering ^^ . . . will be posting up some of the pictures soon . . .
Came home feeling so tired . . . and i saw a big brown envelope on the computer desk . . .
I'm offered a Chemistry/Applied Chemistry in NUS for August 2008-2009 intake . . .
Very happy haha . . . so i tried to log in to the page to check out the acceptance form . . . crap i can't log in at all ! it says invalid . . . PIN , B`day or IC . . . i'm wondering if i did something wrong in the application form like last time . . . going to call up the University to see whats wrong . . . as i only have like up till 5th of June to make up my mind if i wish to take up that degree . . .
So its between Environmental Engineering or Chemistry / Applied Chemistry . . .
Previously i had accepted the offer from NTU as i'm pretty intrested in that . . . now comes another intresting course . . . so i must think through it properly ^^ . . .
Mom is going to be so happy to hear this haha . . .