Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hao ^^

Just came back from camp >.< pretty late . . . 11pm . . . now 1 am~

One folk in my bunk just "shotgunned" and hes so lucky to get guard duty this tomorrow but he must accompany his girl for checkup for final confirmation . . . more or less he hit the jackpot man . . . i thought i could be his kid's godfather ^^ but apparently the girl decided to well you know . . . "abo*t*on" . . .

I wonder what will happen to both of them later on . . . did what i could by talking to Mr "shotgunner" hope he resolve all his problem and make sure he reflect on his darn major mistake . . . now there will be one more baby up in God's cradle . . .

Don't ask me why it happen because its damm obvious he didn't use cap . . .

Like i always tell the guys in bunk for training . . . you're asking for trouble when you know whats right and still not do it . . . the same applies for him . . .

So much for that issue . . .

Man ! i clamped my palm accidently today while handling the mortar . . . crapped . . bleed a bit and my palm a bit bruised . . . T_T BUT nvm . . it doesn't kill me lol >.> just a bit painful .

I think i got chance of becoming instructor lol >.< NEXT week course end then i will be posted again ^^

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