Lots of show to watch ^^
I got "Hot Man" < A jap drama about family > , " Secret " , Tons of anime waiting ^^ and best of all ^^ i'm scouting for PS3 wooHOO ! ! ! wait till their games in the aresenl increases i wil get one and make it sit in my room ^^ :P
Bought some more books to read in camp . . .
And . . . i hope the system in camp will change . . .
10 more months to UNI ^^
Kenny has MSNed me from LONDON ^^ HEs doing great . . . lots of pretty blondie there for him . . . lucky arse . . . one day he might just bring one back . . .
Then i must really get my ass to Japan and bring one back too . . .
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
>.< I lost it~
I almost gave one punch to knock his nose out of place ... but i didn't ...
Alright its my fault for playing a fool when perhaps hes damm pissed off already with the remarks others gave him . . . i guess that was the final limit ...
But don't shake the door so hard man ! ! ! The bosses definately will come ! ! ! True enough they heard the damm commotion and sat outside waiting to see show and waiting to give me extras . . . You snapped and i snapped ... i tried reasoning but it doesn't work so ? Almost bare our fangs at each other ... i had to walk away for i know i would really knock you into hospital if i don't ... i know myself too well ... my rage buttons was all activated ... but i'm damm surprised i held back ... i know i can't work with you ... really ... i felt very restricted and underappreciated when you butt into my work sometimes ... its my job so let me handle it ! ! ! Thanks for your advice but its not your field of expertise ... i know you are trying to be helpful but thanks just stay out of my way ... if i need your aid i would ask ... ok i'm deviating away from the topic ... i want to apologise but the rest urges me don't for it would only worsen the matters because ? you know yourself too ... if reasoning would work for you things won't become like this ... you'er recieving information from the rest of the 9 of us to improve but what most of us feels is that there are no changes from you ... personally you don't have to and you're not obliged to but to work together (perhaps only me ) for the next 10 years or so there is a need to do something to make things more effective for all of us ...
I'm sorry ...
Yeah~ thats what happen last night ... I'm just so disappointed with myself haha ... went back asking people if it was right to become angry ... i've somewhat made myself believe that i don't have a right to be mad a others a long time back whatever the outcome is, they are due to my actions ... ... i can't show i'm angry anymore ... i can't ... it would destroy the peace between people ... would negotiating work ... maybe ... past experiences shows that being angry doesn't work at all and its not beneficial to anyone, sometimes negotiating doesn't work too ... best is keep quiet and let the matter rest ^^ thats a conclusion for me .
Alright its my fault for playing a fool when perhaps hes damm pissed off already with the remarks others gave him . . . i guess that was the final limit ...
But don't shake the door so hard man ! ! ! The bosses definately will come ! ! ! True enough they heard the damm commotion and sat outside waiting to see show and waiting to give me extras . . . You snapped and i snapped ... i tried reasoning but it doesn't work so ? Almost bare our fangs at each other ... i had to walk away for i know i would really knock you into hospital if i don't ... i know myself too well ... my rage buttons was all activated ... but i'm damm surprised i held back ... i know i can't work with you ... really ... i felt very restricted and underappreciated when you butt into my work sometimes ... its my job so let me handle it ! ! ! Thanks for your advice but its not your field of expertise ... i know you are trying to be helpful but thanks just stay out of my way ... if i need your aid i would ask ... ok i'm deviating away from the topic ... i want to apologise but the rest urges me don't for it would only worsen the matters because ? you know yourself too ... if reasoning would work for you things won't become like this ... you'er recieving information from the rest of the 9 of us to improve but what most of us feels is that there are no changes from you ... personally you don't have to and you're not obliged to but to work together (perhaps only me ) for the next 10 years or so there is a need to do something to make things more effective for all of us ...
I'm sorry ...
Yeah~ thats what happen last night ... I'm just so disappointed with myself haha ... went back asking people if it was right to become angry ... i've somewhat made myself believe that i don't have a right to be mad a others a long time back whatever the outcome is, they are due to my actions ... ... i can't show i'm angry anymore ... i can't ... it would destroy the peace between people ... would negotiating work ... maybe ... past experiences shows that being angry doesn't work at all and its not beneficial to anyone, sometimes negotiating doesn't work too ... best is keep quiet and let the matter rest ^^ thats a conclusion for me .
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Extremely Tired But . . . Just Hang On ^^
Today is . . . a rather not normal day . . .
I had to wake up at 4am to do cook house duty . . . >.< but i shall not go into it .
After handing over the duty to Xian Shen i faster pack up and rush to airport . . . because i not enuff cash in wallet so i take train to airport from Chua Chu Kang . . . took me quite a while to get there but luckily i still made it to give Kenny's my best wishes ^^ . . .
He should be landing in London soon . . . probably when i post this up he should have touched down already . . .
Was a rather teary parting . . . I was the video camera man >.< seeing the whole sending off scene made me tear . . . yes i did cry while taking the footage . . .
He was at the departure gate . . . His Granny hugged him . . . said a few words but before she could finish tears start to roll down . . . I think Kenny's heart ache quite a lot . . . We all gave him a hug before he went in . . . i won't go into detail who feels upset the most . . . actually i shouldn't use that word "upset" . . . its just that someone you're close to is going away . . . naturally you feel a sense of loss . . . he must have given it a lot of thinking before he decided to do this . . . thats why i told him . . . hes a very brave guy . . . i'm not sure if i can do that , maybe not .
Nigel has officially become a recruit today . . . but because we had to send Kenny off we couldn't send him to Tekong . . . actually Nigel also want to send Kenny first before he report to camp but thats a bit rush so the idea was call off . . .
So suddenly 2 of my best folks went ahead with their life . . . am i going to just sit and feel loss about it ? >.< Nah~ i feel sad a bit but cannot stay this way forever ^^ while they are doing something for themselves , i too must do something for myself ...
I've been reading a book titled "Choice Theory" by William Glasser ... went around finding his other books but i can't find it ... maybe i go down to Town tomorrow take a look if i manage to wake up early ... i also found out that NTU is offering a 1 day course i think for "Choice Theory" the course fee is about 500++ this coming November . . . i'm thinking weather i should sign up a not . . . i think my intrest really lies in knowing how people think , feel , mm . . . people's emotion ... i want to fix them ... i want to help ... because i don't want to see bad endings ... of course i can't force my will on them ^^ but i always felt that its good to have someone who can listen to you as and when you need ... in the past its hard to get people to listen to my grumbles , troubles . . . no one seems to know what i'm driving at ... i had to find other channels to fix all these myself ... because of this past experience ... i tell myself i must know as much as possible to help make those around me feel better should they feel sad at times ... i'm not very good at it ... but i'll try ^^
What i'm saying here is " I can offer you advice with what i know , i can't make you feel better because there is only one person in this world who can make you feel better and that is yourself "
Good Night Folks
I had to wake up at 4am to do cook house duty . . . >.< but i shall not go into it .
After handing over the duty to Xian Shen i faster pack up and rush to airport . . . because i not enuff cash in wallet so i take train to airport from Chua Chu Kang . . . took me quite a while to get there but luckily i still made it to give Kenny's my best wishes ^^ . . .
He should be landing in London soon . . . probably when i post this up he should have touched down already . . .
Was a rather teary parting . . . I was the video camera man >.< seeing the whole sending off scene made me tear . . . yes i did cry while taking the footage . . .
He was at the departure gate . . . His Granny hugged him . . . said a few words but before she could finish tears start to roll down . . . I think Kenny's heart ache quite a lot . . . We all gave him a hug before he went in . . . i won't go into detail who feels upset the most . . . actually i shouldn't use that word "upset" . . . its just that someone you're close to is going away . . . naturally you feel a sense of loss . . . he must have given it a lot of thinking before he decided to do this . . . thats why i told him . . . hes a very brave guy . . . i'm not sure if i can do that , maybe not .
Nigel has officially become a recruit today . . . but because we had to send Kenny off we couldn't send him to Tekong . . . actually Nigel also want to send Kenny first before he report to camp but thats a bit rush so the idea was call off . . .
So suddenly 2 of my best folks went ahead with their life . . . am i going to just sit and feel loss about it ? >.< Nah~ i feel sad a bit but cannot stay this way forever ^^ while they are doing something for themselves , i too must do something for myself ...
I've been reading a book titled "Choice Theory" by William Glasser ... went around finding his other books but i can't find it ... maybe i go down to Town tomorrow take a look if i manage to wake up early ... i also found out that NTU is offering a 1 day course i think for "Choice Theory" the course fee is about 500++ this coming November . . . i'm thinking weather i should sign up a not . . . i think my intrest really lies in knowing how people think , feel , mm . . . people's emotion ... i want to fix them ... i want to help ... because i don't want to see bad endings ... of course i can't force my will on them ^^ but i always felt that its good to have someone who can listen to you as and when you need ... in the past its hard to get people to listen to my grumbles , troubles . . . no one seems to know what i'm driving at ... i had to find other channels to fix all these myself ... because of this past experience ... i tell myself i must know as much as possible to help make those around me feel better should they feel sad at times ... i'm not very good at it ... but i'll try ^^
What i'm saying here is " I can offer you advice with what i know , i can't make you feel better because there is only one person in this world who can make you feel better and that is yourself "
Good Night Folks
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Perhaps the last . . .
Today is Sunday . . . booking into camp soon . . . but somehow today feels a bit heavier than normal days . . . it feels almost the same as that time . . . like a depth within a heart which can never be filled up . . . tears that would never stop rolling of the cheeks . . .
Perhaps its because i got too much off and booking in now makes me feel a bit depressing . . . but i know my feelings well enough . . . because its not going to be the same when i book out of camp next weekend . . . that gathering could very well be the last for many of us . . . no more Saturday coffee talks . . . no more funny games . . . no more lame jokes . . . no more seeing the smiles on each and everyone's face . . .
Like simone said when she took the photo . . . "We've grown up . . . " We have indeed . . .
What does this normally means ? We have to each move forward but not with everybody . . . maybe once in a while in the far future we would gather once again to see how each and eveyrone of us are doing . . . but between now and then the frequency would be less or close to none . . .
Its painful to lose someone you love but missing friends is no easy task either ^^ Equally heart wrenching . . . equally painful . . . perhaps even lonlier because the only solace we can find when love abandon you would be the one whom you call friend . . .
Don't forget . . . each other . . . folks . . . :)
Wenhao ^^
Perhaps its because i got too much off and booking in now makes me feel a bit depressing . . . but i know my feelings well enough . . . because its not going to be the same when i book out of camp next weekend . . . that gathering could very well be the last for many of us . . . no more Saturday coffee talks . . . no more funny games . . . no more lame jokes . . . no more seeing the smiles on each and everyone's face . . .
Like simone said when she took the photo . . . "We've grown up . . . " We have indeed . . .
What does this normally means ? We have to each move forward but not with everybody . . . maybe once in a while in the far future we would gather once again to see how each and eveyrone of us are doing . . . but between now and then the frequency would be less or close to none . . .
Its painful to lose someone you love but missing friends is no easy task either ^^ Equally heart wrenching . . . equally painful . . . perhaps even lonlier because the only solace we can find when love abandon you would be the one whom you call friend . . .
Don't forget . . . each other . . . folks . . . :)
Wenhao ^^
Thursday, September 06, 2007
A night to treasure
I try not to make this an emotional entry >.<
But for those who doesn't know ! Kenny is going to UK~ for 4 years T_T There goes a good friend to many of us and best friend to those special ones . . .
A gathering was held . . . many things to talk about . . . some shed tears quietly within their hearts for who would want to see someone so dear leave ? Though everyone's paths are different , i know many would wish he could stay. Hes a very fun person to be with . . . easy going . . . very "steady" too !
I have to type this in advance beacause i may not make it for your flight . . . T_T i try to go ^^ not to see you off forever but i hope you will make the best of everything when you are there . . . Once a while update us on how you are doing there . . . Who knows some of us may pop by London to visit you ^^
I hope you have a safe journey and come back when you are free . . . i still owe you 3 treats :P . . . Maybe by then i strike lottery already ^^ but really . . .you have to take care of yourself . . . get a blondie back ^^
WooO~~ So kenny is going away for quite a while . . . Nigel is going to army . . . with the rest of the peeps starting on their path . . . the "FRIENDS" seems to be growing apart . . . but i don't think so . . . after so long we all still stay as friends means its for eternity . . . its a bit sad . . . i do feel a bit of ache ~ but this is just the begining for everyone . . . ^^
I got gathering photos :P uploading later and some VIDEOS of us doing some err REALLY EMBARASSING STUFF . . . thinking of uploading it BUT NO . . . SIMONE DON'T YOU DARE DO IT ! ! ! Please don't >.< Got Nigel doing belly dance . . . Me DOING striptease ( WTF OMFG >.< i tell you this is the most MOST embarassed moment in my life but for friendship I DO IT )~ many many MANY more >.< BUT SORRY i cannot show you all . . . REALLY :p
But for those who doesn't know ! Kenny is going to UK~ for 4 years T_T There goes a good friend to many of us and best friend to those special ones . . .
A gathering was held . . . many things to talk about . . . some shed tears quietly within their hearts for who would want to see someone so dear leave ? Though everyone's paths are different , i know many would wish he could stay. Hes a very fun person to be with . . . easy going . . . very "steady" too !
I have to type this in advance beacause i may not make it for your flight . . . T_T i try to go ^^ not to see you off forever but i hope you will make the best of everything when you are there . . . Once a while update us on how you are doing there . . . Who knows some of us may pop by London to visit you ^^
I hope you have a safe journey and come back when you are free . . . i still owe you 3 treats :P . . . Maybe by then i strike lottery already ^^ but really . . .you have to take care of yourself . . . get a blondie back ^^
WooO~~ So kenny is going away for quite a while . . . Nigel is going to army . . . with the rest of the peeps starting on their path . . . the "FRIENDS" seems to be growing apart . . . but i don't think so . . . after so long we all still stay as friends means its for eternity . . . its a bit sad . . . i do feel a bit of ache ~ but this is just the begining for everyone . . . ^^
I got gathering photos :P uploading later and some VIDEOS of us doing some err REALLY EMBARASSING STUFF . . . thinking of uploading it BUT NO . . . SIMONE DON'T YOU DARE DO IT ! ! ! Please don't >.< Got Nigel doing belly dance . . . Me DOING striptease ( WTF OMFG >.< i tell you this is the most MOST embarassed moment in my life but for friendship I DO IT )~ many many MANY more >.< BUT SORRY i cannot show you all . . . REALLY :p
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
^^ So So ?

^^ I got only these few pictures :P No choice because i'm not allowed to bring my own so i had to get these pictures from the photographer ^^
Pretty good to have a role in this Urban Operation Show ^^ Though the training we had to go through isn't so simple but well i guess everybody who participated in it feels good . . . why ? Because not everyone gets to have this chance ^^
At least the kids and families appreciate our effort and even when its raining during certain times they brave the rain to take pictures with us too ^^ Feel very honoured ^^ At least i'm making use of my life LOL . . .
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

SOME DID . .. SOME DIDN'T ! ! ! T_T Nevermind >.<>
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