Sunday, November 12, 2006

Limerence . . .

^^ Limerence . . . search for the meaning of this word . . .

mm . . . people would change over time won't they ? i guess we all do change over time . . . sometimes we do it for ourself sometimes for other reasons but ultimately we change because we allow ourselves to change . . . do you think someone else can really force you to change into another person ? do you think its possible ?

Life is filled with decisions . . . and allowing ourself to change as we grow is part of life's greatest decision . . . my point here is very clear . . . we change because we want to . . . not because we were influenced. . . i believed that everyone has their own stand and their own perception on how their life is going to be . . . ultimately we are the one who calls the shot . ^^

"If everything is moving forward why hold back and cut loose everything . . . ?"

I finished reading a book titled " For One More Day " by Mitch Albom . . .

It creates a big feeling when you read this book . . . How big ? VERY BIG

Very touching ?

Heres one sentence from the book . . . which i like a lot . . .

"When you look at your mother , you are looking at the purest love you will ever know"

True huh ? ^^ Go get the book and start reading ^^ its not a very lengthy book , i finish reading it in less than half a day . . . nice ^^

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