Yo hoo ! ! ! ! 4 more weeks to go and i will be out of BMT ! ! ! !
Just came back from another Field Activity : Situational Test where external officers will rate our capability in becoming a junior commander . . . be it specialist or officers . . .
Our task ? to clear 12 mission in 2 days . . . .
My appointment ?
Charlie : Navigator . . . Yup i'm the Nav together with another guy who lead the detail from point to point . . . and sometimes lol we got lost~
The tester task was to make us SHAGGED ! ! ! REALLY SHAGGED ! ! ! Its to a point where u get mental blocked~ . . . a.k.a STONNING
Out of this 12 mission 2 of them was casualty evacuation . . . . i was the 2nd in command . . . T_T
The IC tell me he got sore throat &!@#!@# so all the orders came from me . . . the moment at casualty was declared . . . i was barking commands like mad dog to all my team mates . . . mission is to evacuate the injured as far as possible to safety . . . T_T its very tiring when u're carrying so much stuff with you and you have to help carry the causalty . . .
Theres once where i was pushing the whole team forward without realising another man was declared dead T_T . . . i was like WTF ! ! ! so i have to split the guys up into 2 teams and evacuate them together !@#!@#!@#!@ . . . . i really have no idea what i was doing except to get the f**k out of there . . . then the second team fell behind . . . . way far back because everyone was so tired that they can't run fast enough . . . i was told by the officer one team was lagging behind while running with my back facing foward to give commands LOL freaking hell i fell down . . . i actually sat on the floor stunned . . . crapped~ so i ran back to aid the last few guys . . . and throught out the whole thing the IC never help me relay commands even though he should be the one giving them . . . T_T my joints are all sore from the carrying . . .
Theres this part where we have to build bridges on some stone pedestal like . . . so you have to move your man across the river and anyone who falls into the river gets wash away immediately . . . = + = +
+ represent the stone pedestal
= represent logs . . .
LOL i was carrying the first log to place in on the 1st + . . . we have 4 ! ! ! and i drop 2 of them ! ! ! . . . its damm heavy . . . after placing the remaning 2 logs i was standing on the 1st pedestal then the second man must come over so we could continue the chain to get across . . . haha but when he reach the pedestal where i was standing . . . we could barely balance because it was too small to hold 2 man . . . so WE HUG TOGETHER for like 5 minutes on that rock ! ! !? ? ? wtf~ the tester was laughing !@#!@#!@!
Tester : Ah what a sight~ lol
Even i find it funny :P so we tried to shift ourself so he could get across me to the other rock BUT ! ! ! i fell into the river . . . . so i was declared dead . . . while the rest of the guys continue . . .
Though its tiring . . . but its very fun . . . its more engaging compared to field camp . . .