Sunday, July 29, 2007
WOOT ! ! !
You know what they call me in camp now . . . . -_- King Kong~ Law Enforcer . . . i'm the one who brings wrath to the men lol . . . but ok la, i'm also very kind to them ! ! !
Isn't it sad , disappointing , fustrated when the one you love hurts you . . . like when they ignored you emotionally . . .
But do you really think they did it on purpose ? ? ? I can tell you this and you better get this into your head now . . . no one who is deeply in love with you would do that ! ! ! Unless they don't love you then i'm not so sure about it . . . . but ! ! ! Most of the time its because the other party don't know what to do or say . . . . or they don't really speak your "langauge"
Let me get this clear . . . we all want to hear the "right" things from the one we love because its only "right" to hear it from them BUT HEY this is not possible all the time especially when your "Honeymoon" period blows over . . .
But i must stress that its not wrong to want all this . . . there is a proper way to go about achieving the happiness and having your partner speaking "your langauge" . . .
Remember one thing . . . they don't want to hurt you so if you're hurt or disappointed by their remarks let them know ! ! ! . . . BUT NEVER NEVER push the blame to them . . . Because at this point , if you were to push the blame to them its going to get even messy . . . let the other party know how you feel when he/she says that and why . . . nobody wants to be blame for doing something they don't know . . . You are not dictating what their responses is but this simple action gives them more knowledge about you . . . isn't that whats lacking when you feel hurt by their remarks ^^ Isn't that what you felt inside " He/she doesn't understand me at all " . . .
There is no perfect partner in this world who matches you right from the start . . . but humans can be perfect for each other if they open their hearts to one another . . . ^^ Don't shut off from speaking your heart . . . choices of words when you express your feelings are important . . . the wrong use of them could make the other partner feel that you are pushing the whole blame to him when seriously, he/she doesn't know what is going on ! ! ! !
ARGH getting late . . . i"ll touch on other topics ^^ what would be a bett topic when i return ? ? ? SUGGESTION . . . i can't share all this info in camp you know . . . because guys in my camp don't really like to talk about all this . . . so i share here ! ! !
Friday, July 27, 2007
Busy Busy ?
Burned weekends T_T
But i think that makes me treasure my time more back home . . . rest and relax more ^^
I just miss the time i can do anything freely . . . but nevermind ! ! ! Once i returned from Taiwan after my ATEC which is like April ? I can start to plan MY FREEDOM again lol^^ A bit messed up but nevermind ! If life isn't messy then there won't be joy in putting them in place . . .
Anyway i was on the train today . . . first time in a while lol . . . i always take taxi or Cong's car though . . . so i saw this girl . . . caught my eye the moment she walk pass me . . . because i was in uniform . . . and trying to act gungho even though i didn't get enough sleep for the past few days i choose to stand . . . err i was just trying to say shes really sweet looking den ! a few stops later came another girl ~ sat beside her but this girl did a bit of doll up here and there . . . quite fanciful den i thought to myself . . . who will leave the best impression with guys ? I look around again . . . den i saw quite a few girls who doll up . . . seriously they look very similiar to each other, so much for cakey face . . . though the first girl didn't doll up she left a very simple and nice impression with me ^^. . . she had a great smile too ! ! ! Holy . . . if only i wasn't in uniform . . . probably i would try to sit beside her . . .
But honestly i also no guts to sit beside her . . . if only i have got the guts like kenny who got so much balls to aproach girls . . . must salute him for that ^^
But anyway i'm stucked in ABC . . . "A Bachelor Club" probably for life lol but oh well i'll leave it to cupid to do the job . . . but for now Anime , Books , Army and not forgetting JAPAN comes before first ^^
Got girlfriend no girlfriend also like that . . . but to have a partner who enjoys everything with u is always a blessing which you sholdn't hold yourself back from accepting it ^^
I'll touch on relationship when i return on sunday morning after range . . . lets say the topic would be call . . . "Do you speak the langauge of your lover ^^"
Time to run :P ^^
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Knocked Up
Was initially pretty tired to go out but i have to book in Sunday to do guard com so might as well make use of my time outside . . .
Sometimes i wish i can just shut the mouth of some people . . . when theres work to be done just finish it . . . i don't really care if they really starts to hate me or what . . . because they got shitty attitude towards work . . . i don't really like the way things are doing in camp . . . seems like an office environment . . . fakes~ . I'm not in the position to judge but i will just vent it out here . . . I want to go back to my trainees days . . . now theres so much unspoken sh*t going on. . . never ending assults .
Whos true ? Whos faking ? . . . Enough said . . .
Mm . . . . Catch the movie ^^ its really funny . . . M18 by the way and their jokes can be offending if you take it too seriously :P
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Thoughts Thoughts Thoughts . . . . Endless
Leaving home for camp . . .
Heres what Nigel came up with last night . . .
"My heart is aching , you are the only painkiller"
Actually i was thinking "HOWCOME you thought of this lol"
Aching ? i guess everyone has their own "painkillers" for heartache . . . but sometimes you just can't get them . . . i want mine too . . .
But let nature take it course ^^
Friday, July 13, 2007
What to write ? ? ?
Enuff about the army stuff . . . sometimes it gets sooo mentally tiring inside camp that i just don't wish to say a word . . . i just stare blank into the wall or something and think about other stuff . . .
Just want to sleep . . . for months . . . just want to close my eyes and not do anything . . .
There was a case of some stars committing suicide over some relationship stuff i think ? ? ? The guy took his life -_- silly silly . . . i think he just wants to escape from the over whelming pain he has to go through . . . well its like being left alone with no one caring for you . . . but its not really true . . .
I personally feel the kind of love a lover can give can never be replace by any other form of love.
Though everything is classified as "LOVE" but don't you think its different when its given from different people ? And the depth of it depends on individual . . . how strongly one feels and response to it will never be the same for everyone . . . maybe thats why its hard to understand how someone else feels as its always hard to judge people's feelings by just looking at their expression . . . some people are just bad at expressing themselves but you never know they are bleeding deep inside just because you carelessly cast some remarks that meant no harm . . . thats what i conclude after reading and seeing so much things happening around . . .
When someone you love deeply with all your heart leaves you . . . that vaccancy cannot be replace by another other form of love other than the one from a lover . . . Don't you think its true ?
I should get some cranberry juice soon . . . think i'm blabbering rubbish here lol~ . . .
But really its good to be wanted . . . .
Good luck to you dude~ you waited like years~ don't just sit there and sulk . . . opportunity has arrive . . . get your ass off that chair and start turning the clock . . . .time will move for you . . . i think you have frozen your time for way too long . . . .
Don't let go if you don't want to . . .
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Bitter Sweet T_T

The words you were just about to say
Fell softly onto my fingertips
You don't have to say anything
I'll clasp your hand tightly and warm it up
Because words are words, I can't express half of the feelings in my heart
It's so wrenching and irritating as the sunset engulfs the both of us
My heart aches from all the feelings welling up inside of me
If you were to become a traveler
Would i be able to wait for you as i do now ?
As the seasons change
Even if our memories were to fade
I wouldn't be able to love someone with all of my heart like this
I want to protect the precious you
The two of us are never alone
My heart feels so fragile
And i want you to touch it
It's so wrenching and irritating that i can't go home . I want to keep waking like this
I feel the words from your heart on my finger tips .
Watched it on YouTube . . . very touching . . . Thats the ending songs lyrics . . . ouch~
You folks were "there" once too . . . Why not take some time to recollect your memories ^^
Friday, July 06, 2007
Oh well ^^
Accidently deleted some system file and i had to clean up my D drive ... lost most of the pictures ... songs ...lots of them !But oh well just forget it ^^ No point thinking about whats gone ...
Recently i watched a drama ... Ouch~ romance ... and it just gives you that first love feeling ... its so sweet yet bitter and sad at times ... i'm almost reaching the end ... i wonder what the ending is like ...
Really sweet ^^ makes me think a lot ... makes my heart ache a lot too ... i was like " If only "
I'm still a kid within i guess ... yearning for something :)
Maybe those kind of romance can only occur in shows ... maybe its not even possible ...
Ah Love~ ... its wonderful isn't it ...