Saturday, January 20, 2007


Back from a hectic training week . . .

^^ just want to sleep right now . . .

so how was my navigation exercise ? good and bad . . .

Good because we found SOME check points and manage to return back safely . . .because during the exercise the rain poured through the whole exercise area like no body business . . . at low lying area water can go as high up to chest level . . . WTF right . . . plus its swampy and hell quick sand ! T_T

I was trying to get to my second check point and we were told not to attempt anything dangerous because we were on our own . . . and i came across a rather wide area cover in muddy water . . . we were slowed down by the rain . . . cost us about 1 hour just to track a few hundreds meters so i had to get our group across in the fastest way as night begins to fall as well . . . i walk a few steps and the water only reaches my shin . . . as i carry on walking to the middle part i sunk to my thigh area . . . HELL i panicked and F**K i sink in deeper , Thank God there was a tree new by and i pulled myself out before i start eating mud for dinner . . . so i got no choice but to tell the rest to take a detour . . . but because the stream of muddy water was covering a wide area and we're running out of time . . . we trekked up stream for 25 paces and tried to cross . . . i cross first and got some logs to support the rest over . . . we're totally covered in mud up to our shin level . . . and the best thing . . . my handphone got soaked . . . !@#!@#! got damaged in the process . . . sigh no choice but to buy a new one . . . ^^

Night fall and we plot our path wrongly and went the wrong direction . . . ended up we got lost . . . imagine when there is no torch light and you couldn't see your hand T_T . . . my section marte Andy lead us back until a point where he doesn't dare to venture any further for fear of wandering even futher . . . so no choice . . . . die also must get out of that place . . . my compass was damaged slightly because of the water but after setting the right path i just walk ahead of the rest and told them to tag along base on our last calculation for back tracking to base . . . i'm like the bulldozer clearing all the spider webs and branches away for others to walk LOL . . . after about 30 minutes of walking we hit the track and i was so relieved to be back . . . after we settle down i took out the map and discuss with the rest . . . we found out that we were venturing out of the exercise area . . . a place where there is no check point for us LOL . . . it is definately a good experience ^^ . . . i got a few thorns pierced into my palm but my buddy got it worst . . . he held onto a thorny plant when he fell and the outcome is damm ouchy . . . . . . ^^

Next up section fighting . . . 3 days field camp T_T its camo time . . . argh . . .

I need to get some sleep man . . .

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