Nothing special to talk about i guess . . . can't be bothered to blog .
I'm alive and kicking . . . walking towards my dream . . . leaving behind my past . . .
The past made me screw up my life so badly . . . can't even do my work properly . . .
Thank God its over . . . i suppose . . .
Wish to stop school . . . just had no more drive to continue on . . .
But i will finish it no matter how much i dislike going back . . .
I prefer now . . . nothing to conjure up those stuff back into my head . . .
For that piece of junk i will bear with it . . . for 4 months . . .
I guess i will just push myself this time but its not for the last . . . i don't wish to see my mum cry . . .
It hurts more than anything . . .
I'll be going to the mountain trail next saturday . . . in total 40 person will be going . . . hope i will return . . .
If i don't please send some one to look for me HAHA . . . Alright better stop bull shitting . . .
Will be posting some pictures of my office life . . . and Yijie was swing back to Jurong !! ! Sad T_T
Will miss working with her and making fun of her ^.^
So . . . . may all those in love find happiness in whatever they are doing . . . a quarrel is never a bad one . . . hug each other daily . . . and most importanly . . . make sure they sleep well . . .
I got no one to hug though haha . . . ^.^ never mind . . . wait for heaven to drop one for me.
Sweet dreams folks . . .